Looks Like Steve Trevor Is Going To Be In Wonder Woman 1984 After All


Looks Like Steve Trevor Is Going To Be In Wonder Woman 1984 After All

Quick, list the most heartbreaking comic book movie sequences of the last five years. You're sure to select a broad range of moments from all over the Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men universe, and DCEU, but one obvious choice that's hard to ignore is the death of Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) in Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman. The character's heroic demise in the final moments of the film led many to wonder (pun intended) if that was the last we would ever see of the fan-favorite hero. It looks like that's not the case, as a new look at Wonder Woman 2 (now called Wonder Woman 1984), has been released online by Warner Bros., and it features a clear shot at the old character in a new, 1984-oriented setting. Check it out, below.

In all honesty, Steve Trevor looks just as confused as the rest of us. The character is not only somehow alive almost seventy years after seemingly perishing to prevent a plane full of German gas from reaching London, but he also looks like he hasn't aged a day. We don't necessarily know how Steve Trevor will factor into Wonder Woman 1984's story, but his return promises some seriously emotional turns for Gal Gadot's Diana Prince.

Of course, this image has us wondering how Steve Trevor could return for Wonder Woman 1984 in a way that feels earned. One obvious explanation would be that he's merely appearing in a dream sequence -- though for Diana to imagine him wearing clothing from the 1980s might seem silly. Another possibility is that Chris Pine is simply playing a descendant of Steve Trevor who also happens to be named Steve, which is actually something that the comics and Wonder Woman TV series have played with over the years.

Another possibility to consider is the idea that this isn't Steve Trevor at all. DC lore is chock full of characters who can disguise themselves as other heroes and villains, so the idea of Chris Pine returning to play someone like Martian Manhunter or even Clayface seems reasonable. After all, for Warner Bros. to tell us that Steve Trevor/Chris Pine is back in Wonder Woman 1984 seems like a massive spoiler to give away this early in the film's development, so there is a case to be made that Patty Jenkins and the folks at DC have another secret hidden up their sleeves.

In addition to that photo of Chris Pine as Steve Trevor, Wonder Woman 1984 also released more info about the movie; you can check out more from Warner Bros. on the next page.

Will wonders never cease! Not one, but two awesome Wonder Woman 1984 teases in one day! That's right, folks. We now have our first good look at Gal Gadot as Diana, and she (or at least her reflection) looks fantastic! Check her out, below.

Gleaning clear plot details from such an enigmatic image is hard, especially this early in Wonder Woman 1984's development. That said, it seems reasonable to assume that Wonder Woman 1984 will be a bit more referential of pop culture with its story, and it will have a more colorful, neon look than the gray, muted atmosphere of the WWI-set original.

Make sure to stay tuned to CinemaBlend for more updates related to Wonder Woman 1984 as they become available to us. The highly-anticipated sequel will premiere on November 1, 2019, and you can also catch the latest adventure for Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa) later this year when James Wan's Aquaman premieres in theaters on December 21.

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