This Cryptic Avengers 4 Photo Is Driving Marvel Fans Crazy Online


This Cryptic Avengers 4 Photo Is Driving Marvel Fans Crazy Online

Fans are desperate for information about Avengers 4, leading to many poring over an image that may contain something of value. The Russo Brothers dropped the image online with the simple caption "Look hard" which would seem to indicate that looking at the right thing, or looking at the picture in the right way, would reveal...something. Take a look at the image yourself and see what you can find.

The image posted to the Russo Brothers Twitter account appears to show Joe Russo, one of the co-directors of Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4, sitting in a chair in a mostly empty sound stage looking at his laptop. It's a black and white image, which does a lot of work in potentially obscuring items of interest, but at first glance, there doesn't seem to be a lot here. Russo's chair looks to be in front of some frames on easels that might contain concept art, but the angle is bad so we can't really see. The picture is also taken from much too far away to be able to see what Russo is looking at on his computer, though it could be an Avengers 4 script page or a clip from the dailies.

Of course, the fact that nothing seems to actually be in the image hasn't stopped some from trying to decipher the picture like it's a secret code. Several fans have pointed out what appears to be a simple, but subtle, reference to the film itself, Avengers 4, in the form of four A shapes in the picture.

While it could be something this simple, some have gone deeper and there might be something to this idea. The ladder certainly looks like a letter A, and the metal on the crate on the far right of the frame appears to be making the shape of an E. Once you see it like that, it's difficult to unsee it. This has led others to take this same concept and attempt to find the potential title of Avengers 4 spelled out in the picture.

This one feels like a bit of a stretch as some of the places the letters are being found don't seem quite right. Also, it's already been stated that the title of Avengers 4 is not based on any of the lines from Avengers: Infinity War which would seem to discount Endgame as an option. Still, it a valiant effort.

Personally, I think this one might be onto something.

Do you see anything that could be the secret in this image? Let us know down in the comments.

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