Lily Tomlin Loved Not Playing Damsel In Distress Aunt May In Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse


Lily Tomlin Loved Not Playing Damsel In Distress Aunt May In Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

We've seen multiple iterations of Spider-Man's Aunt May on the big screen in the last 16 years, but Lily Tomlin's version in Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is completely different than what Rosemary Harris, Sally Field and Marisa Tomei have done. Sure, she's as loving and protective as any other take, but what sets her apart is her deep involvement in her nephew's vigilante activities. She's definitely not the damsel in distress she's been depicted as in the past -- and it was one element of the character that the actress playing her really valued:

I love that. It's more fun to always play someone like that then a damsel in distress, as they are more inclined to write a part like that. So that was fun. I just did it, so I was glad I did it... I think it's great because to have a character like Aunt May, an older woman who lays it down like it is, and lets people kind of go on and carry on and then she tells them what the score is.

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse notably doesn't follow Peter Parker as its central hero, but does still have a key role for Aunt May to play. Specifically, while her actual nephew is killed in the first act of the movie, she winds up teaming with Miles Morales (Shameik Moore) and the alternate dimension Peter Parker (Jake Johnson) to try and stop Kingpin (Liev Schreiber) from activating his super collider and destroying the city. Saying exactly how she helps is a bit spoiler-y, but she does play an important role.

I got to discuss the role of Aunt May in Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse with Lily Tomlin a couple weeks ago when I sat down with the actress during the film's Los Angeles press day. Being familiar with the many different versions of the character we've seen in popular culture, I was curious how she felt about not playing the standard -- put into some perilous situation that requires rescue from the webslinger. As it happens it was something that she definitely appreciated, partially because it offered something new and didn't go the easy route.

Overall it was very much a project of which Lily Tomlin loved being a part, expressing love for the diversity that the animated feature offers, and the fact that it's a special take introducing audiences to a character they may have never heard of before. And the fact that her version of Aunt May has an active and important role in all of it was a very real bonus. Tomlin explained,

What's so wonderful is that it's so loving and familiar, and yet it's conflict and people trying to resolve their problems. They don't do it in any easy way. And when they come to Aunt May she's ready to take them on and help they and support them.

You can watch Lily Tomlin discuss not only her role in Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, but also her first experience watching the finished film, by clicking play on the video below!

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is almost upon us, as the amazing, spectacular, superior animated feature is getting ready to hit theaters this Friday. Be sure to stay tuned here on CinemaBlend, as we have plenty more coverage heading your way -- including more from my interviews with the actors and filmmakers behind it.

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