To 3D Or Not To 3D: Buy The Right Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Ticket


To 3D Or Not To 3D: Buy The Right Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Ticket

If you've been looking for a dinosaur fix since Jurassic World fell in 2015, you're undoubtedly excited for this weekend's return to form in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. The second in the trilogy that continues the Jurassic Park story, this film is poised to rake in a ton of cash domestically, after making some impressive moves overseas. So naturally, with a new blockbuster, comes a new film to watch in 3D. But is it worth the extra third dimensional money, or are you better off investing in the cloning of actual dinosaurs. (They say it'll happen any day now.)

Readers.... Welcome... to To 3D or Not To 3D! If you're looking for an evaluation of the film itself, head over to our official review and get your fill of commentary. Otherwise, join us on an adventure three years in the making, as we guide you on the right visual path to moviegoing enjoyment.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom proved itself to be a 3D fit the moment they introduced an active volcano to a ton of panicky dinosaurs. Adding a creature that stalks humans for fun and profit, and a ton of action that triggers property damage and humans in peril, and you've got yourself a visual spectacle that could shine so brightly in the third dimension.

The 3D presentation of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is pretty exemplary when it comes to its execution. The typical factor of Brightness is only a bit dim, but still extremely clear to make out - even in the darkest of moments. So the rest of the package pulls together pretty spectacularly, with some impressive depth showing the love that's paid to really bringing the picture to life.

Perhaps the greatest, but minor, disappointment of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom's 3D presentation is the fact that there's not a lot that juts out of the screen during the action. While there's definitely some impressive shots of dinos heading into the fray, it's not an effect that's used consistently. However, when it is used, it's pretty impressive - such as when Zia and Wheatley are aiming guns at each other during one tense scene, and the guns project out of the screen - aimed slightly away from the audience.

I noticed something extremely impressive in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom's 3D presentation: there's depth present even in aspects out of focus. Take a look at the bar room scene with Claire and Owen discussing his part of the rescue operation, and you'll see that pool tables, their players, and even the lights above them, pop to create a field of depth. As for the action in focus, the same attention to detail is present, giving characters a clearly delineated distance between each other in frame. Backgrounds are not static when this factor is used properly, giving a more realistic feel to the image you're seeing on screen.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is a dark movie, especially in the visual sense. So a 3D version of the movie, in the wrong hands, could be a visual mess, as the 3D glasses naturally dim the picture even more than it would be in a 2D presentation. But even with the inherent dimming of the picture behind the lenses, the film is still perfectly watchable, with a crisp, clear picture. That in mind, the overall visuals could have been brighter, but that's not always the fault of the conversion team. Theaters need to keep their projectors properly calibrated, so their shift between 2D and 3D showings may not always leave their equipment ready for the optimal 3D experience.

At any moment during a 3D movie, you're going to be tempted to remove your glasses and give your eyes a rest. As such, you'll notice that the picture of the film you're watching is a bit blurry, due to the manipulation needed to turn the image into a potential 3D feast. With Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, said blur is definitely present and accounted for, from extremely blurry backgrounds to subtly blurred, almost 2D fixtures helping to anchor down the frame, as well as draw facial depth of the characters on screen.

If you're afraid of queasiness or eye strain during Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, I'm delighted to say that you'll be ok watching this one in 3D. While the picture is a bit dim, it's nothing past the usual 3D presentations you'd see in the theater. Again, it's crisp and clear, and even in darker sequences, you can see what's going on without having to strain. More importantly, the action being shown on screen isn't edited or presented in such a way that your eyes will have problems following along, without even a slight moment of wonking out.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is pretty fantastic in 3D, and is most certainly a treat. While not required viewing, there's some gorgeous detail put into this conversion, and it's not merely just a grab for some extra cash. If you're seeing this in IMAX, the 3D is a nice bonus to the presentation you're going to get out of that format, so that's probably your best 3D bet.

Click to visit our full To 3D Or Not To 3D Archive.

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