The Rock Was Bummed He Didnt Get A Crazy Rich Asians Role


The Rock Was Bummed He Didnt Get A Crazy Rich Asians Role

Jon M. Chus Crazy Rich Asians made a ton of money. The romantic comedy has climbed past $238 million at the global box office, and it continues to pick up accolades on the awards-fest circuit. But do you know what movie might have made even more money? Crazy Rock Asians. This, apparently, is what Dwayne The Rock Johnson was thinking when he called Chu for a role in the film. As the director recalls while attending the Screen Actors Guild Awards on Sunday night:

The Rock did call me he was mad that I didnt call him for it. For real. For real. He was like, Were so proud, blah blah blah why didnt you call me for this?

Jon M. Chu was walking the red carpet outside of the SAG Awards, and was asked by Access about actors in the business who wanted to be in Crazy Rich Asians. Chu joked that so many people contacted him, and keep contacting him with the sequel in mind. Thats when Chu admitted that even The Rock called him up after the movie came out, and in the midst of congratulating him, asked, Yo, what about a part for me?!

This isnt a call out of the blue. The Rock and Jon M. Chu have history, as the director recruited the action star to help him beef up G.I. Joe: Retaliation. That gig helped Chu get on the radar of Now You See Me 2, and likely helped open the door for Crazy Rich Asians, and now its sequel, China Rich Girlfriend.

Still, one of the last things Dwayne Johnson needs at this moment is more work. This point is hammered home on the same red carpet by Crazy Rich Asians co-star and stand-up comic Ronny Chieng, who playfully threw in:

The Rock is in like every single movie. Hey Dwayne, take a seat for one movie. Can you do that for one movie? Every time I turn on the TV, youre in every freaking thing. Give us one thing. Can you give us our one thing? God dammit! Yo Rock, if youre not happy about it, come look for me, alright? You got my Twitter, you got my Instagram. Any time. Lets go rumble.

That escalated quickly! This went from a simple casting story to a WWE-level beef between actors! Ronny Chieng was quickly reminded by his cast mates what Dwayne Johnson looks like, and he basically backed down. He needs to keep that face looking bruise-free so he can be ready for the shooting of China Rich Girlfriend!

Unfortunately, Crazy Rich Asians didnt win any SAG awards. And it was snubbed by the Academy, so it wont contend at the Oscars. But it has been a wonderful run for the romantic comedy, and the cast is laughing all the way to the bank.

China Rich Girlfriend doesnt have a release date yet, but we will continue to bring you information on it as the sequel develops.

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