Mission: Impossible Fallout - Rate And Discuss With Spoilers


Mission: Impossible Fallout - Rate And Discuss With Spoilers

It may have only been three years since Mission: Impossible -- Rogue Nation graced screens all over, but it felt like only a second once the opening credits started on Mission: Impossible -- Fallout. With another entry of action in the Tom Cruise led franchise's history, there's more stunts, more plot, and more jokes to make fans of the Impossible Mission Force's exploits a happy camper. But just how happy remains to be seen, which means it's time for a new Rate and Discuss!

The critics seem pleased by Mission: Impossible -- Fallout, as the initial reactions to the film were generally positive, and the film is sitting at a 98% on Rotten Tomatoes. Among those fresh takes is our own Conner Schwerdtfeger's official review, where he states the following:

Expertly-executed from start to finish, Mission: Impossible - Fallout is one of the most confident and capable action movies of the century.

Of course, we're not here to discuss what the critics think, as they've already had their turn! It's now up to you, the audience, to rate and discuss your satisfaction with Mission: Impossible - Fallout, starting with your answers to the following discussion questions. Share your answers in the comments at the end of the story, after you're read and thought over these particular subjects.

Which Mission: Impossible entry is the best, in your opinion?How long did it take you to figure out that Henry Cavill's August Walker was dirty?Do you think Mission: Impossible works better in an episodic manner, or in a continued story?Which Tom Cruise stunt impressed you the most in Mission: Impossible - Fallout?Did you cringe when you saw the scene that caused Cruise's infamous ankle injury?Should Ilsa Faust take over as IMF Pointwoman, if Ethan ever retires?Could / Should There Be A Mission: Impossible 7?

Of course, along with whatever thoughts you may have on Mission: Impossible - Fallout's content, as well as the questions above, we want to know how you would rate the film on the traditional scale of 0 to 5! Using the poll below, please share your ranking of Mission: Impossible - Fallout, and don't forget to share that rating in your comments at the end, along with whatever rationale you used to rate the film as such.

Before you head off to wherever your next mission will take you this weekend, we've got some additional reading we'd like to recommend on the subject of Mission: Impossible - Fallout. First off, if you're wondering what Ilsa whispered to Julia at the end of the film, you might want to see the answers we got from cast and crew alike, as our own Sean O'Connell caught up with them at the Paris premiere of the film. Believe it or not, out of all of the stunts Henry Cavill got to do on his own during the shooting of Fallout, there was one so dangerous that even Tom "Danger Zone" Cruise himselfwouldn't let him take part in. Though, while we're on the subject of the man who plays Ethan himself, we had to question whether or not Ethan Hunt is the best spy in the world, or just the luckiest. As such, you can read out rundown of Ethan's luckiest moments, should you be interested. Finally, and we know you're probably wondering about this yourself, we have the full story of what went on with Henry Cavill's mustache, and the strife it caused during the Justice League reshoots.

That's all we have for the Rate and Discuss column surrounding Mission: Impossible - Fallout, but stay tuned to our coverage of all things entertainment at CinemaBlend. Who knows what our next Rate and Discuss title will be, but if you have any particular films you'd like to see covered in the month of August, feel free to suggest them below! They might just make the conference table, in hopes of rating and discussing their exploits! Until next time, this column will self destruct in five seconds. Though it'll probably be one of the small, smokey self destructs, not a full-on pair of exploding sunglasses.

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