How A Yondu Deleted Scene Ended Up In The Thor: Ragnarok Extras


How A Yondu Deleted Scene Ended Up In The Thor: Ragnarok Extras

Fans are used to seeing various characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe appear together, but if you've already picked up a digital copy of Thor Ragnarok, you may have seen a crossover that was quite unexpected, Yondu on Asgard. But wait a minute, that doesn't make any sense. How did Yondu end up in the latest Thor movie? As it turns out the "deleted scene" was really more of an outtake, and it was never actually meant to be in the film. As to why Michael Rooker would get transformed into Yondu just for fun, the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, director revealed he was in makeup already for something else entirely. According to James Gunn...

For those of you asking me how a Yondu deleted scene is on the Thor Ragnarok extras - I believe Rooker was at the lot shooting his bit for the Guardians Mission Breakout ride/Halloweeen version, and he stopped by the Thor set to goof around. Rooker, correct me if I'm wrong.

The scene in question takes place after Hela has taken control of most of Asgard. She's threatening the lives of the citizens unless she's told where Heimdall and the rest of the people are hiding. In the movie, she gets her information with only a little resistance, however, in this additional version of the scene, Yondu interrupts Skurge's execution to ask where Kevin and Lou's offices are. He's given directions, and he wanders off-screen.

Of course, there is no Kevin or Lou in Thor: Ragnarok. Kevin is Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige and Lou is Louis D'Esposito, Marvel Studios co-president. This shot was never going to be in the film; instead, it was just Rooker and director Taika Waititi having a bit of fun.

And now, thanks to James Gunn, we understand why the fun could be had. Michael Rooker was in full Yondu makeup because he was filming scenes for the Guardians of the Galaxy ride at Disneyland. The ride changed up during Halloween and became Monsters After Dark, with brand new material that wasn't part of the main ride. Most of the main ride shots were done alongside Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, so little extra work was required, but apparently, everybody had to go back to handle the Halloween stuff.

This now explains even more, as last year Michael Rooker aired a live stream of himself wandering the Marvel offices also in full Yondu makeup. He didn't say why he was dressed up then, only referring to something secret. Now, it all makes sense as these events appear to have coincided.

If you want to check out the scene of Yondu on Asgard, you can pick up a digital version of Thor: Ragnarok which is available now or you grab the Blu-Ray when it arrives March 6.

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