How Much Ant-Man And The Wasp Could Make Opening Weekend


How Much Ant-Man And The Wasp Could Make Opening Weekend

Currently Avengers: Infinity War keeps hitting box office milestones. It's the biggest Marvel movie of all time and has become one of the biggest movies of all time, to the point where we haven't even really begun to think hard about what comes next in the Marvel portfolio, which just so happens to be none other than the sequel Ant-Man and the Wasp. If you've wondered how the next Marvel movie will fare, we have the early estimates, and it looks as if the movie could make $75 million domestically on opening weekend.

Obviously, $75 million domestically would be a big weekend for any movie, but if it happens, it should actually be a big deal for an Ant-Man movie. While Ant-Man appears in Captain America: Civil War (opening weekend: $181.8 million), the first solo outing for the character only did a little over $57 million on opening weekend, at least domestically. So, perhaps because more people know Ant-Man thanks to Civil War, and perhaps because of its timing coming just a few months after Avengers: Infinity War, or perhaps simply due to the addition of Wasp THR's early tracking of Ant-Man and the Wasp indicates the movie will make more money opening weekend than last time around, even while facing competition from The First Purge.

We'd be remiss if we didn't note that even if Ant-Man and the Wasp is a big box office win for the character, it's going to fall short of the other two recent Marvel releases. Avengers: Infinity War opened to $250 million domestically back in April. The movie has gone on to be a huge box office hit worldwide, and has already made over $2 billion in just a few weeks. Black Panther was also a huge hit for Marvel and Disney earlier this year. That film made $192 million on opening weekend, which is also more than double what Ant-Man and the Wasp is expected to bring in. So, when we're talking second tier Marvel films, now you know what we are talking about.

Still, Ant-Man and the Wasp's numbers are reassuring. If the film makes more opening weekend than the Ant-Man origin film--and we should mention that the estimates don't always pan out--its overall numbers will hopefully look up, too. And that will mean Disney and Marvel will have another winner on their hands, which is never a bad thing. Especially, since Disney is looking at taking a bit of a hit once Solo: A Star Wars Story's final box office numbers come in.

If you haven't taken a look at the trailer for Ant-Man and the Wasp yet, you can see if the title is up your alley, below.

Ant-Man and the Wasp will open---and compete against The First Purge---starting on Friday, July 6. (The horror film is out two days prior. To take a look at everything we know about the Ant-Man starrer, check out our full guide.

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