Josh Brolin Just Shared A Ridiculous Story About Getting In Trouble For Spoiling Dune


Josh Brolin Just Shared A Ridiculous Story About Getting In Trouble For Spoiling Dune

Nobody likes to have a movie spoiled for them before it comes out, but studios have become incredibly afraid of details of new movies being leaked early on. While this is certainly understandable, it's possible it's all getting slightly out of hand, as Josh Brolin recently got in trouble for "spoiling" some details about the shooting location for the new version of Dune. He let people know he was in the desert.

Josh Brolin recently appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live as part of the promotion of Avengers: Endgame but talk eventually shifted to one of Brolin's upcoming movies, Denis Villenueve's remake of Dune. During one of Brolin's off days from the production, he posted some video of himself in Jordan, enjoying the impressive and vast desert scenery...

So, I was in Jordan and we were in the sand and I was on a little vacation, I had a few days off. I went around anyway, I put it on my Stories and I had never done that before. I was apparently bored even though it was kind of historically amazing. So I was filming myselfwhich I dont understand. I was in the middle of nowhere and there was internet! That was the first weird thing.

The clip in question appears to be the one below, which Josh Brolin filmed from the back of a camel.

While the video seems pretty innocuous, apparently it upset some people at the studio. Josh Brolin tells Jimmy Kimmel that he then got a call telling him that he was violating social media guidelines by revealing information about where Dune was filming, something which struck him as odd considering the movie is called Dune. According to Brolin...

Then I did this whole Story on it and then someone called me eventually and they said, Hey listen, we have guidelines. Thats a word I dont deal with very well. They said, We have guidelines, theres been some red flags. So, I had a conversation; I just didnt deal with it very well. It was like, Jason Momoa doing Aquaman and telling him when hes off he cant take a picture of himself in water anywhere else. I was like, Its sand! Its called Dune. Everybody knows.'

It's completely understandable that studios would want to keep details of movies secret. There's a feeling, regardless of how true, that if people know too much about a movie before it comes out they're less likely to see it. Of course, in the case of Dune, there's an entire novel that will basically give away the whole story right now.

On top of that, It's not like Josh Brolin was taking pictures of the actual set. He took pictures of sand. As he says, it's in the title, nobody should be all that shocked.

Brolin then took to Instagram again following his conversation and shared more pictures of sand. This might be the part where he says he didn't deal with it very well. He's clearly angry about the whole thing.

It does seem like getting mad at Josh Brolin for pictures of sand was more than a little over the top. Dune is one of those stories that one would think most people have a basic understanding of even if they've never read the book or seen the David Lynch movie. Knowing that the movie filmed in Jordan doesn't really tell anybody anything by itself.

Having social media guidelines is great, but implementing them with some logic wouldn't hurt. Even if Brolin technically violated them, this seems like the sort of thing you can just let go. Also, he's Josh Brolin.

Check out Josh Brolin's complete comments on Jimmy Kimmel Live in the clip below.

Denis Villenueve's Dune, which will follow the first half of the original Frank Herbert novel, is set for release in November 2020.

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The man would just look up at me every so often and I would smile. He walked for an hour while I rode on the back of the camel, looking both at his shoes shuffle and glide then out toward the trucks with sand-dusted tourists on little cushions bouncing around in the back of them, bandanas plastered to their faces so I could see the outline of their open mouths and noses. As the winds came up, bits of trash blew, and the smallest little flowers growing out of the arid sand shimmered lively and reminded that we can survive the worst scenarios. I stared at the mountain range, and saw martian tents in the distance, and thought of earlier when the Asian woman with a black mask stood erect in the back of a still silver truck bed peering off into the distance (she was actually facing the rest of the parking lot) while her husband took photos of her. It looked like she was adventuring. She was not. The music coming out of the strobing ghetto blaster outside was a version of Boston’s “More than a feelin’”. French tourists. German. English. Saudis. They all looked the same to me. Tourists. I marveled at what we project onto these places, their backyard, as I rode along: “I read in the lobby about ant praying. Yes, ant prayer. Dung roll psalm #5. Shh. Listen. Shh. Hear it? Quiet! If you just fucking listen for a second you can hear it. You’re not available enough. You need to open yourself up. Seriously, the little one right there. The one with three legs. They’re called prayer ants. I’ve read about them. Been around for a long time. The lore is that one of these prayer ants bit Moses. That’s what I read anyway. They used to call them crabs but now they call them Prayer Ants. They’re capitalized now because it’s an actual title, like a royalty. Prayer Ants. They’re considered holy in this area. They have an international Prayer Ant Day now. I think it’s around Christmas. Off season. Let’s just sit here and listen for a moment. Make yourself available. Shhhh.” Then the camel ride was over. He knelt. I pet him. I shook the man’s hand. And now I’m back at the hotel with the infinity pool and the elliptical cardio machine in the gym wondering what I’m doing, then and now.

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I was contacted by certain people to watch my P’s and Q’s around revealing the setting and uniqueness of this epic film based on the Frank Herbert novel “Dune”. Even though I was on my own travels and nowhere near the set, it was, indeed, in a desert. I am leaving Jordan tomorrow so I can’t continue anyway. That said, it’s almost always in my mind to post whatever the fuck I want as long as it doesn’t impede on how well the story is told and the beauty and uniqueness with which it is being filmed. I have too much respect for the art of filmmaking/storytelling to do that. So here is a vast desert, some vast desert, replete with camels and a man, like the one from Sudan whom I met, guiding them. This is a symbol, a general symbol, of my thanks to Jordan as a country and as a people. I’ve been deeply moved by this experience here and the respect with which you treat each other and outside visitors. I know people watching these stories and reading these posts have appreciated what social media, used with discipline and integrity, has the ability to do: awaken in us a compassion and an awe of the world at large and the diversity with which it has evolved. My respect to you Jordan for taking us in with such open arms.

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