Avengers: Endgame Celebrates One Month To Release With Revealing New Character Posters


Avengers: Endgame Celebrates One Month To Release With Revealing New Character Posters

Its been a big day for Avengers: Endgame as the runtime for the big movie program has been revealed. In addition, since we are officially one month out from the release of the final Marvel movie in Phase Three, Marvel is also giving us a taste of whats to come with some brand new character posters. First up is Captain Marvel herself Brie Larson.

Since we are on a captain theme, it seems only fitting to include a look at Captain America's new poster next.

Thor is looking "mighty" good for someone who failed to stop Thanos thanks to choosing to stab the man in the wrong place.

Since there should be a lot of female power in Avengers: Endgame, lets go ahead and take a look at Black Widow actress Scarlett Johanssons cool poster.

The first Avengers: Endgame trailer also focused on Tony Stark as we saw him running out of air and energy in space. He looks pretty serious in his character poster for the upcoming movie as well.

Getting a little furrier, next we have a look at Rocket, who has been presumed to have a big role in Avengers: Endgame, alongside Nebula.

Speaking of Nebula, she is looking very blue in her official poster from the fourth Avengers flick.

Although many people definitely were called out of existence after Thanos snapped, we saw during Avengers: Infinity War that Rhodey was one of the lucky ones.

Hulk is looking remarkably Bruce Banner-y, and honestly I kind of miss seeing him in the Hulkbuster armor. Anyone else?

Weve seen Ant-Man somehow miraculously returned from the Quantim Realm after the events in Ant-Man and the Wasp in the early footage for Avengers: Endgame. So no surprise hes looking fly here.

Of course, it wouldn't be Avengers: Endgame if the original Avengers were not getting in on some action together. Which means Ronin, err Hawkeye, or Clint Barton or whatever gets his own poster too.

Danai Gurira is looking fierce as usual in her poster.

Now, what do all of these posters so far have in common? They just so happen to be in color.

The Bad NewsWhich leads us to the next set of posters in black and white. First up is Black Panther himself, played by Chadwick Boseman.

Sadly it seems as if T'Challa's sister Shuri may be out of the picture, too, leading into Avengers: Endgame. Take a look at her poster.

Then Loki, who took a stand against Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War, also gets a somber poster:

Nick Fury, who we saw become part of The Decimation during the end-credits scenes in Infinity War also gets a brand new look. (Although if you want to see him alive and well and with two eyes, all you need to do is go see Captain Marvel.)

Vision, who was a key focal point thanks to the mind stone in Infinity War, ultimately yielded the stone to Thanos, losing his life.

Like Vision, his partner Scarlet Witch is also in black and white.

Falcon was also lost in Wakanda during the big showdown with Thanos.

Many of the Guardians of the Galaxy will not be around in Endgame. Theres Pom Klementieff, who plays Mantis.

She's not the only one. Fans also sadly may not be hearing an "I am Groot" anytime soon thanks to Thanos' choice.

Star-Lord also won't be listening to any mixtapes soon, unless there are mixtapes in the afterlife he got dusted to.

Although she was not sacrificed during The Decimation, and was instead sacrificed prior to The Decimation in order to help Thanos achieve his goal, Gamora is also given a poster.

Well, this is getting more and more depressing by the second, as we are reminded of all of the wonderful characters who won't be around any longer when Avengers: Endgame kicks off. Among them is Drax.

Like Mantis and the Guardians, Doctor Strange ultimately made a choice that impacted Tony Stark, as well as his own existence.

The Winter Soldier just never really seemed to catch a break did he? Here's his black and white poster ahead of the upcoming movie.

Even Ant-Man will not be immune to loss as The Wasp didn't make it through The Decimation. Like some of the other Avengers, Scott Lang also has a family, and I'm concerned about his daughter and even his ex as well.

What do these posters have in common? They are similar to early promotional material for Avengers: Endgame highlighting the characters who were snapped out of existence by Thanos whilst the big baddie was using the Infinity Gauntlet. Which means that our friendly neighborhood Spider-man was given a black and white poster as well.

The Newly Confirmed NewsAlthough Shuri sadly looks like she didn't make it, there is some better confirmed news in this last set of posters, posters that should make you pretty Happy.

Looks like Happy is confirmed to be alive, which is good news given the last time we saw Jon Favreaus character was in Spider-Man: Homecoming.

If all of this holds true, other characters are also confirmed to be alive, including Pepper Potts. This makes sense given some of the rumors about the character and Tony Stark when Endgame picks up.

Also Valkyrie, which interests me greatly given that character verbally spars with Thor a lot and weve seen in the trailers that Brie Larsons Captain Marvel also seems to have good verbal rapport. Of course theres plenty of space for multiple characters to potentially get quippy with Thor and I cant wait to see it pan out.

Next, Wong is confirmed to be alive, so even if Doctor Strange didnt fare so well, his compatriot still seems to be doing OK on Earth. Well, at least OK given the circumstances.

Although we still don't know what the ultimate ramifications of the dusting will be, this is a helluva way to kick off the month-long countdown until Avengers: Endgame is released on April 26. Getting the original gang back together has always seemed to be a theme heading into this movie, but the posters are still a way to highlight that, and we appreciate the likes of Rocket and Nebula, who really dislike Thanos, also being in this mix. Check out what we know is coming with our full guide.

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