Deadpool 2 Kept A Scene Where Ryan Reynolds Totally Broke A Prop While Filming


Deadpool 2 Kept A Scene Where Ryan Reynolds Totally Broke A Prop While Filming

The Deadpool movies are at their best, in my own humble opinion, when they are messing with the anti-hero's presence on the current X-Men timeline. It's a fact that Ryan Reynolds' Wade Wilson shares a cinematic universe with the characters from Logan, X-Men: Apocalypse and the unseen New Mutants. And the A-lister borrows from them as often as he can. Sometimes, when he literally borrows from them, he breaks shit -- as happened in a scene from Deadpool 2. According to Reynolds and his director, David Leitch, they broke the original Cerebro helmet from the initial X-Men movies. The duo said:

David Leitch: It always appealed to us, the idea of [Deadpool] misusing Cerebro essentially, not knowing what it's actually for.Ryan Reynolds: That was an actual accident on the day. I didn't mean to do that at all. It just snapped.Leitch: It was funny, we actually...That's from the archive of [X-Men] stuff. They found it at the last second. So you actually broke an historical X-Men prop.Reynolds: Oh great. Great! I'll get a strongly written letter from Patrick Stewart.

The scene in question occurs in Deadpool 2 right before Wade, Colossus (Stefan Kapicic) and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) head out to help Firefist (Julian Dennison) in his introduction scene. At the X-Mansion, Deadpool is wearing Professor X's signature headset, and when the actor -- Ryan Reynolds -- attempts to mess with it, a piece of it breaks off. Believing it to be funny, David Leitch confirms on the DVD Commentary Track that they just left the moment in, telling Reynolds later that it was a real archival prop, and probably of some value to sentimental X-Men movie fans, everywhere.

Not that the X-Men movies need Cerebro again. At the moment, the next X-Men movie planned to hit theaters is Simon Kinberg's X-Men: Dark Phoenix... and that movie has been clouded by uncertainty as it heads back for reshoots and sees its own release date shifted by a few months. Fox has it on the calendar now for February 14, 2019. Maybe Wade Wilson can ask Cerebro if that's actually going to happen? Never mind. He broke it.

As for DP, his next silver-screen endeavor will likely pair him up with Cable (Josh Brolin) and Domino (Zazie Beetz) for a planned X-Force movie, which Drew Goddard has been hired to write and direct. X-Force is a creative team of mutants who exist on the fringe of the fights that Professor Xavier (James McAvoy) usually embarks on with his classic team. Wouldn't it be funny if the last appearance by this current X-Men team was a cameo in Deadpool 2, which is available on Amazon to pre-order for Blu-ray release?

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