Will Hugh Jackman Be In Avengers: Endgame? Google Sure Thinks So


Will Hugh Jackman Be In Avengers: Endgame? Google Sure Thinks So

If you didn't know the ins and outs of which corporate entities own the big screen rights to which Marvel characters, you might think that the upcoming massive Avengers: Endgame would be the perfect time for X-Man Wolverine to show up and help defeat Thanos. Naturally, you might turn to Google for answers.

If you were to use the search engine to see "famous Hugh Jackman movies," you would think "Hey! He is going to be in Avengers: Endgame." Take a look:

Google knows a lot, probably more than it should, but like the rest of us, it is in the dark about the mysterious Avengers: Endgame. We have no reason to believe that Hugh Jackman will show up in the upcoming MCU film, but just seeing this result is enough to make your heart skip a beat. Then again, maybe Google knows something we don't, because it clearly thinks that Hugh Jackman will be appearing in Avengers: Endgame.

There, among Hugh Jackman's most famous role as Wolverine in the X-Men films -- and his slightly less famous roles in Pan and Movie 43 -- sits Avengers: Endgame. This likely snafu and unlikely spoiler has not gone unnoticed. Fans have highlighted Google's search result and likely read way too much into it, hoping against hope that it is true.

Without really knowing how the search engine works, I imagine that this entry is something that somebody edited to have a bit of fun, or in an exercise in wishful thinking. Either that or Hugh Jackman's name has been associated so frequently with the Avengers, that Google's algorithm is conflating the two.

After all, for the better part of the MCU's existence, fans with a desire to have their heads explode have wondered if it was possible that Wolverine could show up in an Avengers movie. The massiveness of Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame, Sony allowing Marvel to use Spider-Man, and the impending closing of the Disney-Fox deal have only added to those hopes.

And yet, despite the fact that we have no reason to believe that Hugh Jackman's Wolverine will show up in Avengers: Endgame, that hasn't stopped some fans from letting Hugh Jackman and the Russo Brothers know on Twitter how much they want this Google result to be proven true. Check it out:

Come on Russos and Hugh Jackman, you can't defy Google; to do so would be to shatter the illusion that it is all knowing. Therefore, Hugh Jackman has to be in Avengers: Endgame.

Ultimately I would take this Google result with a grain of salt and not read too much into it. Hugh Jackman has stated multiple times that he is done as Wolverine. Sadly, the timelines of the X-Men and MCU films, his time as Wolverine, and the Disney-Fox deal didn't all line up.

That said, I fully expect some surprises in Avengers: Endgame. And though the odds of him showing up as Wolverine seem slim, maybe Hugh Jackman could just make a small cameo as a nod to what might have been.

It looks like Marvel could at long last start developing its own X-Men movies as soon as next summer, so sooner or later the MCU will presumably have its own Wolverine with some mighty big shoes to fill.

Avengers: Endgame opens in theaters on April 26, 2019. For all of next year's biggest movies, check out our 2019 Release Schedule.

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