Frank Grillo Gets Blunt About Avengers 4 Comments


Frank Grillo Gets Blunt About Avengers 4 Comments

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the biggest franchises of film history, so the pressure is on to deliver a satisfying blockbuster with each new release. Part of this process is surprising the audience with plot twists, which the studio and its actors must keep under wraps. But plenty of actors have accidentally spoiled plot points before, and Captain America: Winter Soldier actor Frank Grillo recently revealed that he has a flashback role in Avengers 4.

But now it looks like Frank Grillo might have been pulling our leg. That, or he got in trouble by the folks at Marvel. Shortly after he claimed Crossbones had a small role in Avengers 4, Grillo posted on social media, and he didn't seem happy about the story going so viral. As he put it,

#fakenews. In the course of a day I get asked 1000 questions about a character I played for 8 minutes. I've confirmed nothing. But sometimes I have fun w people who ask. #moveon

Well, that seems a bit more cut and dry. Despite all but confirming his return for Avengers 4, it seems that Frank Grillo is now backtracking on the comments, and claiming he was simply messing with his interviewer-- and the fans. Now that's what I call a villain.

Frank Grillo's recent Instagram post is in stark juxtaposition to the picture he painted just days ago, which had the potential to spoil quite a few aspects of Avengers 4. Crossbones' inclusion would be a major shocker for the fandom, especially considering his fate in Captain America: Civil War. He seemingly perished in the opening sequence of that blockbuster-- and the fandom didn't expect to see him again.

As if Crossbones' possible role in Avengers 4 wasn't enough of a surprise, Frank Grillo also gave some context to the rumored scene, which has the potential to have grave affects on the contents of the untitled movie. Specifically, Grillo claimed he was part of a flashback. This could hint toward time travel being used as a macguffin in Avengers 4, something fans have been expecting for quite some time.

The ending of Avengers: Infinity War saw Josh Brolin's Thanos succeed in his in collecting the Infinity Stone, and promptly wiping out half of the galaxy with the snap of a finger. It's currently unclear how the surviving heroes will continue to fight Thanos, and hopefully bring back the fallen characters in the process. But if time travel is on the table, as Frank Grillo had previously hinted, it might be the key to stopping the Mad Titan once and for all.

All will be revealed when Avengers 4 arrives in theaters on May 3rd, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your trips to the movies in the New Year.

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