Watch Gwyneth Paltrow Realize She Was In Spider-Man: Homecoming


Watch Gwyneth Paltrow Realize She Was In Spider-Man: Homecoming

In addition to his upcoming remake of The Lion King and the Disney+ series The Mandalorian, Jon Favreau has a new Netflix show called The Chef Show. In the series, Jon Favreau and chef Roy Choi cook and discover food with big name chefs and Favreaus famous friends. It is one of those famous friends who provided a hilarious moment in the show's debut episode. Actress Gwyneth Paltrow had no idea she was in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Watch her realize the truth below:

This is such a funny interaction, and Gwyneth Paltrows progression from confusion to denial to doubt to realization and acceptance in this video could not be cuter. Her initial reaction to Jon Favreau talking about starting this cooking show idea while filming Spider-Man: Homecoming is one of complete and utter confusion. She clearly thought he was misspeaking and had things mixed up.

When he tells her that they were in the film together she looks up and you can practically see the wheels turning as she tries to remember if what he is saying is correct, before finally settling on "No." At one point, she gives Jon Favreau a look as if he's trying to gaslight her. The actress must have thought that The Chef Show was really just a cover for something akin to Punkd and Favreau was trying to trick her for a laugh.

Her Iron Man director has to actually work to convince her that not only was she in The Avengers, she was also in Spider-Man: Homecoming, by describing the scene itself. Its a great candid moment when it hits her that she did shoot the scene he described. The realization comes in waves because even once she remembers the scene, she didnt know or couldnt remember what movie that scene was for.

The whole thing is so endearing because she doesnt get embarrassed at all, she just seems happy and amused to find out she was in Homecoming. Although it might seem wild to not remember that you were in a movie, in the MCU it may not be that surprising.

Gwyneth Paltrow has been in the MCU since the beginning, and over that decade-plus her Pepper Potts has showed up in 7 different movies. Those films are the three Iron Man movies, 2012s The Avengers, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Homecoming.

You can see how all those might blend together, and especially with her part in Homecoming. It was a brief cameo at the end of the movie and it probably amounted to less than a days worth of filming for her. So she probably forgot it altogether or lumped it in with the filming she did for one of the Avengers movies.

If you dont remember Gwyneth Paltrows scene in Spider-Man: Homecoming, you can watch it in the video below:

Shes been in the MCU since 2008 and showed up in enough movies to forget all her appearances, but Gwyneth Paltrows time as Pepper Potts has seemingly come to an end. The actress is leaving the franchise, with Avengers: Endgame marking her final appearance.

If you want to watch the whole episode of The Chef Show with Gwyneth Paltrow, it is now streaming on Netflix. Gwyneth Paltrow will also be starring in Ryan Murphys new Netflix series The Politician, coming to Netflix later this year. Check out our 2019 Release Schedule to see everything heading to theaters this year, and for all the latest movie news stay tuned to CinemaBlend.

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