New Halloween Poster Has Michael And Laurie Coming Face To Face


New Halloween Poster Has Michael And Laurie Coming Face To Face

While the horror genre is one that is constantly producing new movies, there are certain franchises that stand out among the rest. Chief among them is Halloween, especially John Carpenter's original 1978 classic. Laurie Strode's first battle against Michael Myers helped shape the genre as we know it, and the pair of iconic slasher characters will soon come to blows in Blumhouse's Halloween. Arriving in just a few months, Jamie Lee Curtis' Laurie Strode will return to the franchise, in a canon-defying sequel 40 years after the events of the original. A new poster for Halloween just arrived to keep anticipation up until October. Check it out below.

Does anyone else have chills? Laurie Strode and Michael Myers are horror legends, and seeing their faces to close together is enough to get any fan excited. Even if they look slightly like an ABBA music video.

This new poster, which was shared by Jamie Lee Curtis herself, teases how linked Michael and Laurie always have been. She has already faced off against Michael in four movies, and the upcoming Halloween sequel is now 40 years in the making. While they're no longer related in the Blumhouse's flick, the film will follow a Laurie Strode that has waited her entire life for Michael to break out of Smith's Grove and come for her. That's exactly what happens, and Jamie Lee Curtis' signature character must attempt to save both herself and her family from the killer's vengeful wrath.

While there have already been seven Halloween sequels (plus Rob Zombie's two movies), Blumhouse's upcoming sequel will bring a totally different version of Laurie Strode. Rather than a young victim or a someone in hiding, we'll meet a woman who has spent the last four decades preparing for her attacker to return. This includes self-defense, gun training, and fortifying her home into a safe house. She looks hardcore, and it should be fascinating to see if the OG scream queen manages to best Michael Myers.

You can catch the first glimpse at the upcoming Halloween sequel below, via the trailer.

Those eager to see more of Michael Myers prior to the release of Halloween are in for a treat. Because in addition to revealing the new poster, Jamie Lee Curtis also revealed that a new trailer will arrive online for the sequel tomorrow. Halloween will arrive in theaters on October 19th, 2018. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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