That Time Mark Ruffalo Accidentally Spoiled The End Of Avengers: Infinity War


That Time Mark Ruffalo Accidentally Spoiled The End Of Avengers: Infinity War

SPOILER WARNING: Big time spoilers for the end of Avengers: Infinity War. No joke. Do not read this until you see the movie.

Marvel Studios did everything in its power to make sure that the plot of Avengers: Infinity War was as secretive as possible. The trailers kept it down to a bare minimum, fake scripts were handed out, and the actors weren't allowed to say pretty much anything. It helps that many of them didn't know anything, but it definitely makes for some interesting press interviews. Despite all of that, it seems one can just never account for Mark Ruffalo, who technically spoiled the ending of Infinity War last year.

Most any of the cast of Avengers: Infinity War will tell you that the two most dangerous sources of leaks are Tom Holland and Mark Ruffalo. In Ruffalo's case, he infamously live-streamed the first 20 minutes of Thor: Ragnarok during the premiere before Disney finally got to him and turned off his phone. Ruffalo has been a good sport about the whole thing, joking about the incident during interviews, but he may have inadvertently dropped a spoiler for the ending of the biggest Marvel movie ever made on a televised broadcast interview. He nearly reveals that half the characters would perish, before being nudged by Don Cheadle and claiming "everyone dies". Check it out.

Alongside Don Cheadle, Mark Ruffalo appeared for an interview on Good Morning America in July 2017, where he made a comment that everyone dies at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. Cheadle and Ruffalo joked that Ruffalo gave away the ending, playing it off, but as the millions of people who have seen this movie now know, Ruffalo's remark is pretty close to the truth. This movie does not have a happy ending, folks. Furthermore, he almost revealed that it was half the cast, which is without a doubt one of the most shocking moments of Infinity War.

So why did Ruffalo say what he said? Interviews are hard and press tours are exhausting, so sometimes these slips do happen. I would say in Ruffalo's case, "everyone dies" is a common statement you make when you don't want to spoil the real ending (I know I've said it many times). I think Ruffalo just said it on reflex, only for it to actually be close to the truth. Additionally, we don't even know how much of the ending he knew at the point of that interview. It certainly helps that people seemed to have forgotten all about this interview leading up to Infinity War, so it doesn't seem to have ruined the experience for everyone.

Have you already seen Avengers: Infinity War and felt the power of that ending? Well, go see it again! The movie is out in theaters right now and demands many, many rewatches. For all future Marvel movies, here's what's coming down the pipeline.

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