Aquaman Director James Wan Responds To Trailer Backlash


Aquaman Director James Wan Responds To Trailer Backlash

DC's live-action universe has had a very trick road to the theaters, filled with both peaks and valleys. While there have been high moments with Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman, the franchise as a whole feels in flux, as actors Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck reportedly plan their exit. The pressure is on for DC to deliver another critical darling, with the next installment being James Wan's upcoming blockbuster Aquaman. The acclaimed horror director will take us deep below the surface, and bring back Jason Momoa's Arthur Curry after his debut in Zack Snyder's Justice League. A new Aquaman trailer just arrived, with some fans taking umbrage with it, and claiming it gave away too much of the film's contents. Now James Wan has responded to those concerns, saying:

Trailers contain spoilers by nature. So if you don't want anything spoilt, don't see it. But I can say this --- this 5-min trailer barely scratches the surface of the actual movie.

Talk about a mic drop. James Wan doesn't seem concerned about the contents of Aquaman being given away in the trailer. After all, that's what they all do. Plus, there's an entire movie full of plot twists to enjoy.

James Wan's comments come from his personal Twitter, no doubt after hearing plenty of hate throw Aquaman's way. Superhero movies have a particular pressure attached, and comic book fans are looking for accurate adaptations, epic action, and an emotional story. DC fans have had their fair share of disappointments, so those moviegoers also seem easily triggered by any possible missteps.

Aquaman's extended trailer certainly featured way more footage, and outlined much of the film's plot. James Wan's blockbuster will focus both on Arthur Curry's right to The Throne, as well as a particularly powerful trident that has the potential to change the power dynamic between land and sea dwellers. Furthermore, it showed more of Nicole Kidman, including her big action sequence as Arthur's mother Queen Atlanna. You can check out the trailer below.

Pretty wild, right? While there was a ton of new footage debuted, almost half of it came from one exciting action sequence shared between Arthur Curry and Amber Heard's Mera. As such, there's likely plenty of more surprises to comes once Aquaman finally arrives in theaters, and continued the DC live action universe.

Aquaman will arrive in theaters on December 21, 2018. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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