Samuel L. Jackson Really Doesnt Think Hes In Avengers: Endgame


Samuel L. Jackson Really Doesnt Think Hes In Avengers: Endgame

Come Avengers: Endgame, there will be a lot of MCU characters to keep track of. Who will live and who will die (or stay a dust pile anyway)? What characters will team up this time around and will they measure up to Thor and Rockets chemistry in Infinity War? The list goes on. But dont count Nick Fury in on all the Endgame action, per Samuel L. Jacksons recent words:

No [Im not in it.] No, why would I be? I dont have any superpowers, I cant fight battles. No, Im not in it.

Hmmm I dont know about you, but I refuse to believe the man who brought the Avengers together wont make an appearance in the upcoming final chapter of the MCU's Phase 3. Samuel L. Jacksons character has been a common thread that has run right through 2008s Iron Man to Endgames precursor, Captain Marvel. While he doesnt have superpowers," he can certainly be of help to the Avengers, that is if him and the rest of the dusted heroes survive by some miracle.

The actor insisted that he is not in Avengers: Endgame during a visit to The Jonathan Ross Show (via Metro). When he was asked of his role in the upcoming Avengers flick, the title of the film basically slipped his mind, as he said Whats the name of that? Endgame?

Is Samuel L. Jackson playing with us? Hes either absolutely serious or messing with fans anticipation for the MCU film by throwing us off and keeping us guessing. Given the tight-lipped secrecy surrounding Avengers: Endgame, we likely wont be able to confirm the validity of Jacksons statements until we see the movie in April.

Infinity War ended with Nick Fury witnessing the tragedy of Thanos snap, leading him to call Captain Marvel on his pager before turning into dust himself along with Spider-Man, Black Panther, Star-Lord and half of the universe.

Captain Marvel will follow Nick Fury in the 90s as he meets Carol Danvers, his first ever extraterrestrial sighting. The movie might give fans answers to why he called upon Captain Marvel in Infinity War. Since the call continues to involve Fury in the important events of the MCU, his complete absence in Endgame doesnt make a ton of sense though it is possible.

Samuel L. Jackson recently teased a popular theory by saying that Captain Marvel has time travel abilities. These comments are also strange to hear from the actor considering it feels a bit spoiler-y to the outcome of Avengers: Endgame.

To believe or not to believe Samuel L. Jackson? The plot thickens. The good news is Avengers: Endgame is under two months away from release. The blockbuster will hit theaters on April 26, and is currently expected to make $282 million in its first weekend alone.

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