Joel Edgerton Feels Like Bright Is The Inverse Of The Last Jedi


Joel Edgerton Feels Like Bright Is The Inverse Of The Last Jedi

Bright was a major big-budget fantasy movie that would have been at home on the big screen, even though it debuted on Netflix. One of the co-stars in the film thinks it has a relationship with another fantasy film that was on the big screen, Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Specifically, the two films are near mirror opposites of each other, in that Bright was embraced by the audience, while being mostly rejected by critics, while The Last Jedi saw a very different response. According to Edgerton...

[I]t's almost the inverse of Star Wars [The Last Jedi]. You've got critics at 93 or 92%, and the audience gave it a 50-something, and you get to Bright, which is sort of slammed by critics, but it has a 90% audience score. I think there was a little bit of extra critical hate towards it because it's changing the landscape of the movie business, but I think Bright is maybe a movie that needs to be reviewed by public opinion rather than viewed through the highbrow prism of film criticism.

It's certainly is true that if you compare the reaction to the two films on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, Bright and Star Wars: The Last Jedi, are as opposite as they can be. The former film currently sits with an 85% positive audience response but only a 27% positive review score. While The Last Jedi, is at 90% with the critics, but only 48% among the general audience. While there is some question as to the legitimacy of that audience score, it's certainly true that lots of fans didn't love the new Star Wars while critics clearly did.

The reason that Bright was trashed by critics, however, is a more complicated question. Joel Egerton suggests to Collider that the reason had at least something to do with the fact that it was a Netflix movie, and that traditional critics took issue with that. That's a bit hard to swallow since lots of Netflix movies have been received perfectly well by critics.

Joel Edgerton also takes issue with "highbrow" film critics, taking the position of many that some movies are made "for fans" and thus shouldn't be judged in the same way. It seems to assume that all film critics view movies in the same way and that critics themselves are not fans. Neither premise is true. Even if some critics are holding Bright to some impossible standard of highbrow film criticism, nobody is requiring that the audience accept that opinion. It is one perspective among many, and while it may not be the last word, that also doesn't mean it doesn't have a point that is worth at least considering.

The fact that Bright and Star Wars: The Last Jedi had such divergent and opposing responses is just evidence why film criticism is worthwhile, because people are going to naturally disagree about art. While Bright may have been trashed by most critics, more than a quarter of them still thought there was something of value in the film (our review is one of them if you're keeping score), that's not an insignificant number. There will always be a different perspective, that's part of the fun of talking about movies, whether you're a critic, a fan, or both.

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