8 Previously Announced Superhero Movies We Should Just Admit Aren't Happening


8 Previously Announced Superhero Movies We Should Just Admit Aren't Happening

Since the start of the century, we've watched superhero movies grow from being more appreciated as blockbuster entertainment to becoming a mainstay in this industry. Where once we were lucky to have one or even two superhero movies released per year, now certain studios are churning out multiple each year, and this craze isn't dying down anytime soon.Whether it's Marvel, DC or companies like Valiant looking to leave a mark, this genre will be sticking around for a while, but that doesn't mean that every single movie that's been announced will see the light of day. As interesting as some of these sound, we've gathered together some of the superhero movies that we have to acknowledge stand little to no chance of actually being made, starting with one that's been hit with delay after delay.

GambitEver since 2014, we've been patiently waiting for Gambit, who's been a longtime X-Men favorite (particularly from X-Men: The Animated Series) to headline his own movie, only instead of Taylor Kitsch reprising the role, Channing Tatum would take over as the Ragin' Cajun. But in the last four years, the Gambit movie has faced numerous setbacks, namely by losing three directors (Rupert Wyatt, Doug Limn and Gore Verbinski). Originally supposed to be released in October 2016, Gambit is currently scheduled for June 7, 2019, and Tatum feels that these delays actually work in the movie's favor, especially in the wake of Deadpool and Logan. Still, given everything Gambit has been through, it's harder to believe that it will ever see the light of day, so if Fox is keen on Tatum playing the card-throwing mutant, maybe it should stick him in a movie where he isn't the main star.

CyborgIn keeping with his heightened status since the start of the New 52, the DC Extended Universe brought Cyborg in to be one of the founding Justice Leaguers, and ever since the initial DCEU slate was announced in late 2014, a Cyborg movie has been in development. But numerous other movies have been announced for this franchise since then, and while Ray Fisher hasn't been shy about offering suggestions for what he wants to see in a Cyborg movie, we haven't actually heard any major updates concerning the project. Cyborg was once supposed come out in 2020, but it's highly unlikely this is still the case. However, that doesn't mean we've seen the last of Fisher's Cyborg, and maybe he could pop up as a supporting hero in someone else's movie, similar to Black Widow in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

X-23Just to be clear, Dafne Keen's Laura, a.k.a. X-23, was one of the best parts of Logan. Keen did an excellent job of matching the ferocity that Hugh Jackman brought to his portrayal of Wolverine, and X-23 showed a lot of promise. If the future of the X-Men franchise wasn't in flux, it would be cool to see X-23 and her young allies in a new story set in this not-too-distant future where the mutant population has severely dwindled. However, with Disney looking to purchase 20th Century Fox's entertainment holdings, if that deal is finalized, then the X-Men characters will be incorporated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. From there, with the possible exception of Deadpool, then these mutants will be rebooted. If Fox wanted to squeeze out an X-23 movie, it would need to start putting into motion right now, but with the clock counting down, it's doubtful we'll reunite with Wolverine's daughter.

Gotham City SirensWhile Suicide Squad wasn't anywhere near the critical success that DC and Warner Bros wanted, Margot Robbie's portrayal of Harley Quinn was among its most praised elements, and in the years since, there have been several Harley-centric projects reported or announced to be in the works. One of these is Gotham City Sirens, which would be helmed by Suicide Squad's David Ayer and see Harley hanging out with Poison Ivy and Catwoman, just like they did in the comics. The trio might even go up against Black Mask. But recently Robbie revealed that the project we've known as Birds of Prey is the only Harley movie she's had a direct hand in developing. With that being fast-tracked and presumably Suicide Squad 2 being prioritized over other DCEU projects, it's hard to imagine that Gotham City Sirens will happen, especially with Ayer currently busy working on Bright 2.

LoboIf DC wanted to release a movie that was tonally similar to Deadpool, Lobo would be their best shot at making that happen. The brutal, Czarian bounty hunter has been one of DC's more amusing characters since his revamp in the early 1990s, and while even Wade Wilson has periodic moments of heroism, Lobo rests comfortably in the anti-hero/villain category. Back in February, it was reported that Michael Bay was being looked at to direct a Lobo movie, but since then signed on to helm Netflix's Six Underground and is also eyeing Robopocalypse. But even if Bay wasn't being considered, Lobo is definitely not one of the more well-known characters that's being considered to star in their own DC movie. Thinking about a Lobo movie is fun, but in reality, the chances of it happening are extremely slim.

Justice League DarkThe Justice League Dark movie has been in development since early 2013, back when Guillermo del Toro going to direct. Two years later, del Toro dropped out, and although Doug Liman left Gambit to work on Justice League Dark, eventually he too departed the movie centered around the team of mystical DC superheroes. Our last major update concerning Justice League Dark was that Gerard Johnstone was hired to work on the script, but like with Gambit, this project has been been through so many setbacks that this seems like one of the DCEU movies that's least likely to move forward. Plus, now that a Swamp Thing TV series is in development for the DC Universe streaming service, that provides a new platform for the Justice League Dark to someday be adapted for live action.

Doctor DoomAt least year's San Diego Comic-Con, Legion showrunner Noah Hawley casually mentioned that he was working on a movie about longtime Fantastic Four nemesis Doctor Doom. On paper, this is a weird idea, but Doom is one of the most compelling villains in the Marvel universe, and if anyone could make an interesting movie about him, Noah Hawley is the man. However, this Doctor Doom movie faces the same problem that X-23 does: Disney purchasing Fox. If the deal goes through, then you can bet the Fantastic Four will be incorporated into the MCU, which would be a good move given how the previous adaptations of Marvel's First Family have been underwhelming or straight-up terrible. Factor in Hawley being busy with his TV shows, and it's unlikely that Doctor Doom will ever be the star of his own movie, though a new version of him should still be pitted against the Fantastic Four in the MCU.

Green Lantern CorpsIt's no secret that the 2011 Green Lantern movie was a critical and commercial dud, but DC and Warner Bros have been promising to give the Emerald Knight's mythology a second chance ever since the Green Lantern Corps reboot was announced as part of the initial DCEU film slate in 2014. Rather than go the traditional origin story route again, Green Lantern Corps would follow an older Hal Jordan and fresh recruit John Stewart in a Lethal Weapon in space-style adventure. A couple Lanterns even showed up during Justice League's flashback battle. Alas, aside from David Goyer and Justin Rhodes being hired to write the script and Christopher McQuarrie supposedly being looked at to direct, there hasn't been any significant progress. As a longtime Green Lantern fan, I desperately want this property to be properly adapted on the big screen, but it's looking more like Green Lantern Corps will be lingering in development hell. With everything else that's being prioritized, it certainly won't come out by 2020 as previously announced.

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