Did Spider-Man: Far From Home Just Add Another Comics Villain?

Did Spider-Man: Far From Home Just Add Another Comics Villain?

However Spider-Man's post-Avengers: Infinity War situation is resolved in Avengers 4 next year, just a few months later, the Web-Slinger will be back on the big screen a few months later for Spider-Man: Far from Home. Taking Tom Holland's Peter Parker across the pond for his summer vacation, the sequel will reportedly see him clashing with Quentin Beck, a.k.a. Mysterio, with Jake Gyllenhaal in talks to play the illusionist villain. However, Spider-Man has a history of tangling with multiple bad guys in movies, and the addition of Homeland actor Numan Acar has us wondering if The Chameleon will be involved in Far From Home as well.

In Deadline's report about Numan Acar's Spider-Man: Far from Home casting, his character is simply identified as Dmitri. By itself, that doesn't sound too interesting, but in the comics, The Chameleon's civilian identity is Dmitri Smerdyakov. This is by no means official confirmation that Acar is playing Chameleon in Far From Home, and since Peter Parker is hanging out in Europe during the movie, the chances of him running into a guy named Dmitri will surely increase. Nevertheless, the prospect of seeing Chameleon, one of the various Spider-Man villains who still hasn't been represented on the big screen, is exciting.

Debuting in 1963's The Amazing Spider-Man #1, The Chameleon was the first super villain Spider-Man fought. A master of disguise, Chameleon initially didn't have any special powers, instead using makeup, costumes and a high-tech hologram belt to make himself look like his targets. Later, Chameleon took a serum that actually gave him disguising powers, though he still relies on costuming and his innate acting abilities to effectively pass himself off as another person. Chameleon is also Kraven the Hunter's cousin, and is responsible for putting the big game hunter on Spider-Man's tail. Outside of the comics, Chameleon's other media appearances include Spider-Man: The Animated Series and The Spectacular Spider-Man.

Best known for his role as Haissam Haqqani in the Showtime series Homeland, Numan Acar's other credits include The Great Wall, Prison Break, 12 Strong and Jack Ryan, the latter of which debuts on Amazon next month. Along with his role in Spider-Man: Far from Home, Acar will appear next year in Disney's live action Aladdin adaptation as Hakim, Jafar's right-hand man.

With his addition to Spider-Man: Far from Home, Numan Acar is the second new actor to hop aboard, as Jake Gyllenhaal's involvement isn't a sure thing yet. Last week, Curb Your Enthusiasm star J.B. Smoove joined Far From Home in an undisclosed role. As for familiar faces, Michael Keaton, Marisa Tomei, Zendaya, Jacob Battalion and Hemky Madera will reprise their respective Homecoming roles.

Spider-Man: Far from Home swings into theaters on July 5, 2019, so keep checking back with CinemaBlend for more updates. You can also look through our Marvel movies guide to learn what else the Marvel Cinematic Universe has coming up.

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The Terrifying Incident That Influenced Director Catherine Hardwicke's Approach To Miss Bala

The Terrifying Incident That Influenced Director Catherine Hardwicke's Approach To Miss Bala

One can assume that most movie-goers have all asked themselves the same question while watching an action film: what would I do if I were in that situation? Fantasy obviously doesnt equate to reality, and most would probably pray to simply never be in that kind of danger, but still the question crops up. For Catherine Hardwicke, director of the new movie Miss Bala, however, this isnt a hypothetical situation. She actually went through a situation audiences have seen thousands of times on the big screen and, editorially, her reaction was rather insane. She recently told me,

It was in LA in the middle of the day, and it was, I think, a gang initiation where somebody wanted my car - that I reacted in the wrong way to, but I lived. I just looked right at the gun, I was just shocked, and I go, 'Fuck off.' I don't know why I said that, right to the loaded gun. And it startled the guy so much that he sort of dropped his guard for one second, and then I just started walking. And, of course, the cop told me that is not the thing to do. Do not do that; give them the fricking car. I had a junker car anyway! But I didn't think that way. I was just defiant. I kind of knew in my heart that I was tougher than that guy was, and so I just went, 'Fuck off.'

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Catherine Hardwicke at the Los Angeles press day for Miss Bala, and this shocking story was delivered at the very end of the interview. Our time was running short, and I had already asked what was supposed to be my final question, but I couldnt help but follow up when the filmmaker told me that she personally had the experience of having a gun put in her face.

The subject came up in a more macro discussion of Hardwickes work as a filmmaker the kind of stories that she is currently interested in telling at this point in her career. She expressed that, rather than having anything to do with genre, what she wants to tell right now are stories that are driven by perspective, high stakes, and real choices. This was something she definitely got in the making of Miss Bala, headlined by Gina Rodriguez as a young woman named Gloria who winds up becoming a pawn in the operations of Mexican cartels and border crime.

According to Catherine Hardwicke, a big part of what helped her make the film as realistic as she could make it was putting herself in the shoes of her main character and it helped that she had some personal experience in the perilous moments department. It was at this point that she first told me about the time that her life was threatened during an attempted carjacking:

I just kinda try to see it as a real story. Like, what if this really happened to me? I mean, I've personally had a gun to my head. I've been in some pretty scary situations, so like I know how I reacted in certain cases. But most of us aren't tested on a daily basis. Like how would you react with life or death stakes? So it's fascinating to see that.

The intensity of having a gun pulled on you is intensified by a factor of 100 in Miss Bala a remake of the 2011 film from director Gerardo Naranjo. Gloria travels from her home in America to visit her friend in Mexico and help her try to win a beauty pageant, but things go horribly wrong when the protagonist is caught up in an assassination attempt while out at a night club. She is told that cooperating with the cartel that takes her captive is the only way to see her friend alive again, so she does what shes told all the while trying to figure out her way out of the situation.

In the making of the movie, Catherine Hardwicke says she loved not only watching the story unfold through Glorias eyes, but also constantly upping the stakes in the narrative. She explained,

I love the idea of what Gloria is going through too, you know, just how do I keep you in her mind, in her feelings? And then what would she do? How do you deal? How do I keep the camera relating to her and helping you feel what she feels In this case, the stakes just kept getting higher and higher, and ratcheting up for her. The second she gets out of one thing, oh hell, now she's got a bag over her head and the DEA wants her to work for them and she has to go back in as a double agent. Like holy shit, how would you deal with this?

Co-starring Ismael Cruz Crdova, Cristina Rodlo, and Anthony Mackie, Miss Bala is arriving in theaters this Friday, February 1st. To see what else is coming up in February 2019 and beyond, be sure to check out our release date calendar.

The Terrifying Incident That Influenced Director Catherine

The Terrifying Incident That Influenced Director Catherine Hardwicke's Approach To Miss Bala [ad_1] One can assume that most movie-goers have all asked themselves the same question while watching an action film: what would I do if I were in that situation?

The Terrifying Incident That Influenced Director Catherine Hardwicke's Approach To Miss Bala
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The Terrifying Incident That Influenced Director Catherine Hardwicke's Approach To Miss Bala. By. Cinema Blend - January 31, 2019
The Terrifying Incident That Influenced Director Catherine

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The Terrifying Incident That Influenced Director Catherine

The Terrifying Incident That Influenced Director Catherine Hardwicke's Approach To Miss Bala. Associated Press AP February 1, 2019 8:44 am February 1, 2019 Off 67.
The Terrifying Incident That Influenced Director Catherine

The Terrifying Incident That Influenced Director Catherine Hardwicke's Approach To Miss Bala 4 months ago One can assume that most movie-goers have all asked themselves the same question while watching an action film: what would I do if I were in that situation?
The Terrifying Incident That Influenced Director Catherine

Fantasy obviously doesn't equate to reality, and most would probably pray to simply never be in that kind of danger, but still the question crops up. For Catherine Hardwicke, director of the new movie Miss Bala, however, this isn't a hypothetical situation. She actually went through a situation audiences have seen thousands of times on the
The Terrifying Incident That Influenced Director Catherine

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The Terrifying Incident That Influenced Director Catherine

The Terrifying Incident That Influenced Director Catherine Hardwicke's Approach To Miss Bala One can assume that most movie-goers have all asked themselves the same question while watching an action film: what would I do if I were in that situation?
The Terrifying Incident That Influenced Director Catherine

Black Panther Is About To Hit A Major Superhero Movie Milestone

Black Panther Is About To Hit A Major Superhero Movie Milestone

At this point, there is a solid chance that many of you have already heard about how Ryan Coogler's Black Panther seriously overperformed at the box office. T'Challa's (Chadwick Boseman) origin movie has become one of the most successful Marvel Cinematic Universe films in history, and it has officially become a watershed moment in the history of the comic book movie genre. Specifically, it looks like Black Panther is about to become the most financially successful superhero origin movie of all time.

Black Panther has knocked out milestone after milestone in the short time that it's been in theaters, but the one it's about to hit is one of its most impressive yet. The eighteenth Marvel Cinematic Universe movie is currently nearing $412 million at the domestic box office, which puts it in spitting distance of overtaking Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman's $412.5 million lifetime gross, which will make it the highest-grossing comic book origin movie of all time.

As of right now, Black Panther has most recently overtaken Sam Raimi's Spider-Man, as well as Tim Miller's Deadpool -- both of which have become recognized as record breakers and game changers in their own right. T'Challa is often regarded as the wealthiest comic book character in the Marvel and DC canons, and the box office performance of Black Panther is definitely helping him live up to that reputation.

While it's true that Black Panther technically hasn't overtaken Wonder Woman's top spot on the Box Office Mojo leaderboards just yet, it's worth remembering that it's almost certainly going to happen soon. Black Panther has been in theaters for less than two weeks, and it is already within one million dollars of the DCEU film's lifetime gross. Considering the legs that Black Panther seems to have at the box office (which is especially impressive when we reflect on the fact that Wonder Woman similarly showed quite a bit of stamina at the box office), it's really just a matter of waiting until it takes the top spot.

Black Panther is currently in theaters. If you haven't checked it out already, then take a look at CinemaBlend's full review of the film and make sure to see what all of the fuss is about for yourself. That said, T'Challa's journey into the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2018 isn't over yet, as the black-clad hero will make his next major appearance on the silver screen when Avengers: Infinity War premieres in theaters on May 4!

UPDATE: Black Panther has obviously blown past the milestone. It has passed $421,000,000 at the domestic box office and is now approaching $750,000,000 in worldwide grosses. What an incredible success story.

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