Bucky Almost Rocked A Wakandan Look In Infinity War


Bucky Almost Rocked A Wakandan Look In Infinity War

Prior to the events of Avengers: Infinity War, Bucky Barnes was recuperating from his Hydra brainwashing in Black Panther's Wakanda. Bucky was one of the lucky few outsiders to ever live in Wakanda before it went public, and his time in the country almost influenced his fashion decisions. New concept art has surfaced that shows off several designs for Bucky in which he wore a Wakanda-influenced costume rather than his standard Bucky-blue gear.

People have finally gotten their hands on the art book for Avengers: Infinity War, which shows off some awesome and interesting alternate looks at character costumes, set designs, and events from the movie. Art books always offer deeper dives into the lengthy design processes, and this one showcases the hundreds of different concepts that Marvel's design team created. Often, these designs can be wildly different from what we see on screen -- like Spider-Man in a black suit or Thor with a gun.

One Redditor was kind enough to share a look at a whole page of designs for Sebastian Stan's Bucky. For the battle in Wakanda, the former assassin ended up wearing a blue costume that was similar to his Howling Commando days, but he almost wore something inspired by the country's culture. The images show off a few different takes on a conceptual mashup between Bucky's Winter Soldier gear and Wakanda fashion, while also showing off alternate designs for his theatrical costume.

Overall, the Wakanda costumes are cool, and it would have been interesting to see Bucky wear them in Avengers: Infinity War. It helps tie into his reveal as White Wolf, which is a Black Panther ally/villain. Bucky is a different take on that character, but the costume would have been a nice way to show the influence his time in Wakanda had on him.

Fans really want to know if Bucky will ever get to wear the Captain America uniform. With rumors swirling that this will be Chris Evans' last time as Steve Rogers, a new Cap will have to take over, and Bucky is one of the lead candidates for replacement. Bucky took over the mantle for a while in the comics, but then so did Falcon, so the two of them are the frontrunners. However, both characters have been tapped to lead a standalone streaming show together, who knows what's going to happen?

There's no confirmation that Bucky will be popping up in Avengers 4, but it's the next most logical place we'll see him. The blockbuster will arrive in theaters on May 3, 2019, and you can learn everything you need to know about the movie in our handy guide right here. For everything else hitting theaters next year, check out our 2019 movie release guide.

These are long-haired Bucky concepts art for IW with the incorporation of the traditional Wakandan look. Thanks to (icequeeniceni) for sharing and pointing out. from

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