Kendrick Lamar Wants To Be Black Panthers Next Killmonger


Kendrick Lamar Wants To Be Black Panthers Next Killmonger

Massive spoilers ahead for Black Panther. If you want to go into the movie surprised, check out one of our other stories.

It's been a little over a week since Ryan Coogler's Black Panther arrived in theaters, and cinephiles and Marvel fans alike are still reeling from the wild ride. The newest installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe greatly expanded it, showing the technologically advanced country of Wakanda in all its glory. One of the strongest points of Black Panther has been Michael B. Jordan's performance as Erik Killmonger. While the MCU has had problem with villains, Jordan played his role with equal parts vulnerability and rage. And while he perished in the film's final moments, rapper Kendrick Lamar is ready to step into his shoes, or at least similar ones. When asked if the musician would like to play a role in Black Panther 2, he said:

I really enjoy Killmonger's character, just off the simple fact that he was a villain but he came with some real [talk]. He was a villain but he was loved and misunderstood. So if I could, I'd play a Killmonger, for sure.

While not an experienced actor, it looks like Kendrick Lamar may be convinced to join the forces of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The problem: he most wants to play a character who seems to have bit the dust at the end of Black Panther.

Kendrik Lamar's comments to BBC are sure to strike a cord with the millions of folks who have seen Black Panther, and haven't stopped exclaiming "Wakanda foreer!" since leaving the theater. Killmonger has already been named one of the best villains in the entire shared universe, already being compared to complicated characters like Tom Hiddleston's Loki. While fans would love to see Killmonger somehow return to the shared universe, they'd probably want him actually played by Michael B. Jordan.

While Kendrick Lamar likely won't end up showing up onscreen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he's already influenced the MCU. Lamar curated the soundtrack forBlack Panther. After being shown a cut of the movie, Lamar put together a soundtrack that mixes traditional african sounds, modern hip hop, and the sweeping sounds of the cinematic universe. Lamar performed a number of the movie's signature songs, including "Black Panther", "King's Dead", and "Pray for Me". Lamar clearly knows the Black Panther world and brand well, so he wouldn't be the worst choice for a possible cameo in Black Panther's inevitable sequel.

If Ryan Coogler ends up helming the film's sequel, it wouldn't surprise me to see Kendrick Lamar pop up as a denizen of Wakanda, or someone utilizing T'Challa's outreach center in the states. We'll just have to wait and see how it all pans out.

Black Panther is in theaters now, complete with Kendrik Lamar's already acclaimed soundtrack. Be sure to check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trips to the movies this year.

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