Is Finn Using A Lightsaber Again In Episode IX?


Is Finn Using A Lightsaber Again In Episode IX?

Production on Star Wars Episode IX is currently underway and while we've heard a few rumors here and there about things that might happen in the film, we really have no idea what's in store for our favorite characters. However, John Boyega's recent response to a fan has people wondering if we might see his character Finn pick up a lightsaber again, as he did in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Here's the exchange.

The fan mentions his hopes to see Finn be a "badass hero" in Star Wars Episode IX, which includes seeing him holding a lightsaber once again. John Boyega responds with an affirmative statement, so perhaps this means we could see Boyega take hold of the Jedi weapon at some point.

Of course, Boyega could simply be responding to the part about Finn being a "badass hero" in Episode IX. Perhaps we'll see the character kick some ass and take some names in the new film, even without a lightsaber.

In Star Wars: The Force Awakens Finn in given the Skywalker lightsaber after Rey refuses to take it. He takes on a Stormtrooper with it and even takes on Kylo Ren himself, though it doesn't go well.

In Star Wars: The Last Jedi Finn doesn't get to swing a lightsaber at any point, but I would take issue with the idea that Finn has not been a badass character previously. He does take on Captain Phasma one-on-one in that movie and he takes her down, complete with the "rebel scum" quip. He got to win a fight and say something cool at the same time. I'd say that's pretty badass.

Still, it does make the mind wander as to what exactly might be in store for Finn in Star Wars: Episode IX. Star Wars: The Last Jedi reunited him with Rey and the rest of what's left of the Resistance. The small band could fit entirely inside the Millennium Falcon.

It's difficult to guess what could be in store for Finn and the rest because we don't really know where the final film of the trilogy will start. While The Last Jedi opened immediately following the events of The Force Awakens that was an anomaly as far as Star Wars movies go. Usually, there are multi-year gaps between them, so if that happens here, any number of things could have transpired off-screen, starting Finn's journey in the film literally anywhere.

Maybe Rey has been training him to use the Force? While that's a longshot, it could explain why he ends up with a lightsaber, assuming that does, in fact, happen. We'll find out in December of 2019, unless a trailer lets us know first.

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