IT Chapter 2 Has Wrapped, See The Losers' Club Celebrating

IT Chapter 2 Has Wrapped, See The Losers' Club Celebrating

Although Michael Myers is currently enjoying major success, the horror box office crown belongs to Pennywise and he's returning next year to remind everyone that he's still the king. IT: Chapter Two is on the way and it has just wrapped filming. To celebrate wrapping, the younger generation of the Losers' Club that we fell in love with in the first film got together to commemorate the occasion. Take a look:

It's great to see the Losers' Club together again, as this fun group of actors were a huge part of what made the first movie so awesome and successful. This is just another reminder that although IT: Chapter Two will also feature the group 27 years later played by different actors, we will still get to see the younger cast and their continued story.

On his Instagram post Finn Wolfhard, who plays the foul-mouthed Richie Tozier, adds a couple of nice touches by listing his location as Derry, Maine. And using an emoji of Pennywise's signature red balloon, he reminds us that the Losers' Club came together to fight the horrors of the cursed town.

The Losers' Club is reminiscent of so many memorable groups of kids in these types of stories. The Goonies, the Sandlot crew, the kids in Stand By Me and the party in Stranger Things are all iconic groups of cinematic friends that audiences connect with, as they remind us of those pivotal childhood friendships that mean so much and shape who we are as adults.

It also adds a little something to IT: Chapter Two that it seems like the actors who portray the members of the Losers' Club are friends in real life and play and joke around with each other. That can come through onscreen and add to their fun dynamic as we watch these friends see their bonds tested and forged through their horrific experiences.

Stephen King's novel upon which IT and IT: Chapter Two are based is a massive tome, so the flashbacks to the younger Losers' Club will give us more of their story (minus some of the more controversial elements) and more of the group that audiences loved so much in the first film.

The main part of this film should see the adult members of the Losers' Club 27 years after the events of the first film, as they return to the town of Derry to confront their childhood horror. The sequel is looking like it could be even more faithful to the book, and include some of its weirdest and most shocking elements.

IT: Chapter Two floats into theaters on September 6, 2019. Pennywise isn't the only heavy-hitter on the calendar next year either, 2019 is full of huge movies. Check all of them out in our 2019 release schedule.

My thoughts on the Natasha/Clint thing were that they probably intended for Clint to take the fall, but perhaps Scarlett Johansen (like Chris Evans and RDJ) was kind of over the role. It added more emotional punch that she died and Jeremy Renner's cry face is devastating.
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Marvels Don Cheadle Doesnt Want To Do Press With Mark Ruffalo After Spoilers

Marvels Don Cheadle Doesnt Want To Do Press With Mark Ruffalo After Spoilers

As Avengers: Endgame is getting ready to hit theaters, Don Cheadle is also making the rounds to promote his upcoming series Black Monday. However, he's also looking toward the upcoming Marvel promotional tour, and Jimmy Fallon recently asked him if he'd willing to be paired with Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo again for Endgame. According to Cheadle, he'd prefer to not be on that crazy train...

Why do I need that hassle, right? I don't need to be sitting next to him when he blows the whole reveal of the movie. Him and Tom Holland... a little chatty.

If you aren't up on what Don Cheadle is talking about, the actor notoriously was a part of an interview where his costar Mark Ruffalo nearly said "half" of all the characters would be dying in Avengers: Infinity War--before the movie was released. He tried to turn it into a joke, saying "everyone" would die, but the exchange made the rounds, and Cheadle looked visibly distressed in the interview.

The actor later spoke out about how shocked he was when the original Good Morning America appearance happened. He has also joked about how at some point Mark Ruffalo may be banned from doing press for Marvel flicks in the future. Now, he seems to feel he's fine with Mark Ruffalo spoiling, as long as he's not the guy that has to sit in with Mark Ruffalo or fellow spoiler Tom Holland during interviews.

Poor Don Cheadle. The man seems to want to mostly be a Marvel rule follower, also telling Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show that "there's penalties to pay" for speaking your mind about Marvel, especially when spoilers are involved.

In general, Don Cheadle seems to be pretty averse to spoilers, but there's also one specific time when he especially does not want to talk about what is going on is when he is in a public restroom. He also told Jimmy Fallon:

You shouldn't ask people stuff when they're doing their business. When you have your business in your hand and you're in a urinal, I don't want to talk about the title of Endgame.

If you'd like to here about Boggle on sets, downtime and more you can take a look at Don Cheadle's full Tonight Show appearance, below.

Luckily, if Boggle doesn't do it for you, we should be hearing and hopefully seeing plenty more from Avengers: Endgame in the coming months. The movie is officially out on April 26, 2019. In the meantime, you can take a look at what all we know about the sequel to Avengers: Infinity War with our full guide. In addition, you can see what all Marvel currently has scheduled with our full look at the rest of Phase 3 and 4.

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This novel really didn't do that. Many of the riddles were solved only when plot called for one of the characters to pull a rabbit out of their hat. And, even then, I was left feeling almost cheated. I felt like "Huh. I wish I was able to anticipate more. I really didn't have a chance." Ultimately, Ready Player One was fun, however.
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Of course, immediately after saying this, Jude Law makes a joke that the "Marvel Police" might shoot him for saying that. On the one hand, he might be joking about the fact that the one thing we all know, that Brie Larson is playing Captain Marvel, is the sort of thing he could get in trouble for saying.
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That's a wrap for filming on Hobbs & Shaw! The official title is Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw, starring Dwayne Johnson as Luke Hobbs and Jason Statham as Deckard Shaw. The Rock is also a producer on the film, and he celebrated the end of filming with a seriously emotional post and then a lighthearted trash-talking one.
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