Which Avenger Thanos Is The Most Connected To In Infinity War


Which Avenger Thanos Is The Most Connected To In Infinity War

It's a very exciting time for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With Black Panther still making tons of money at the box office, the time has come for cinephiles and comic book fans to look to the future. Avengers: Infinity War is the next installment in the MCU, and will bring the shared universe's main characters together for an epic battle against Josh Brolin's villainous Thanos. While fans are eager to see how the Avengers and Guardians battle the destroyer of worlds, it turns out that the big purple guy will have a connection with one hero in particular: Iron Man. As Joe Russo tell it,

I think he has the most specific connection to Tony because Tony is a futurist, and he has predicted a threat like Thanos. It's lived in his brain even though he couldn't name it. Tony is the most desperately driven, down to the core, to react against something like Thanos, although all the heroes will face a threat, no matter who it is or where it comes from. But I think this is intrinsic to Tony's psychology, and because Tony started it all with Iron Man, he has a special connection to the threat that's facing him.

Since Tony Stark was the first official hero of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (at least until Captain Marvel retcons that), he's been thinking about superpowered threats for the longest. Nick Fury may have assembled The Avengers, but the protection of the Earth has largely fallen to Iron Man and Captain America. The threat has been coming, and now Thanos has finally arrived.

Joe Russo's comments to Telegraph India show how methodically the Brothers have approached the behemoth movie that is Infinity War. Rather than simply pairing new characters and having epic action (which it will), Infinity War is till going to be a character driven blockbuster. There are a ton of emotional plot lines currently being juggled, and giving Thanos and Tony Stark a connection is a fascinating way to flesh out the big purple guy, making the story both personal and extraordinary.

While The Russo Brothers and Marvel Studios has been keeping pretty tight lipped about the contents of both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4, delightfully vague comments like the one above will only help to keep anticipation for the blockbusters at an all time high. Fans have been waiting a decade for all the characters to crossover, and the marketing material indicates this will be the end of the MCU as we know it. Considering that so many actors' contracts are up, it certainly seems like some favorites might end up being killed off.

All will be revealed when Avengers: Infinity War arrives in theaters on April 27, 2018. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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