The Big Differences The Girl In The Spider's Web Makes To Lisbeth And Mikael's Relationship

The Big Differences The Girl In The Spider's Web Makes To Lisbeth And Mikael's Relationship

The complicated relationship between journalist Mikael Blomkvist and vengeful force of nature Lisbeth Salander has been the twisty thread connecting all of the films adapted from the Millennium series of novels. Any film trying to tell the next chapter of Lisbeth's story has to find a way to focus on Mikael, even though Fede Alvarez -- the director of the upcoming The Girl In The Spider's Web -- says this his film shifts its focus way more on Lisbeth than it does on her relationship to Mikael.

To that end, when CinemaBlend recently traveled to the Berlin set of The Girl In The Spider's Web to learn more about the dark thriller, we spoke with the new Lisbeth, Claire Foy (The Crown), about how the relationship between the two lead characters has evolved. This is the fourth book in the series, and so, there's real history that can be played with by Foy and her co-star, Sverrir Gudnason. And Foy explained to us:

I think from the outside, as a sort of spectator, you sort of just are like, 'Go on, get together, be happy!' If that was sort of the normal, common or garden story. But you know, it sort of diminishes how interesting they both are as characters. I think it makes it slightly different that we [as actors] are much closer in age. I mean obviously I'm supposed to be ever so slightly younger than I am. [Laughs]. But I think that makes it sort of more interesting in a way because it's not an age-difference thing. It's not like young girl, older man. It's actually that we have a deep connection, a deep understanding of one another. But it's like, in what world would these two people ever, could they ever make it work? And it's not just the fact that she's sort of a vigilante sort of person, but it's more the fact that, how do you even begin to cross that bridge of differences between them?

It's very true that previous interpretations of the Lisbeth-Mikael relationship -- whether it was Noomi Rapace and Michael Nyqvist, or Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig -- played up the sizable age difference that made any type of romance seem uncomfortable. By design, mind you. Yes, in the books, Lisbeth and Mikael become lovers. But it wasn't the intention of Fede Alvarez or Claire Foy to go down that road again for The Girl In The Spider's Web. In fact, Foy elaborated in the same interview:

In this one, I think they have a shorthand. I think they've gone past that point. I think it was at the end of the third book where he's at her front door and is like, 'Alright, can I come in?' And [original author] Steig [Larsson] says something about letting him back in. ... She let him back into her life. And I think we haven't done that in this one. What we've said is the fact that they haven't seen each other for three years, and where have they gone? He's missed her, and she's got over him. And that, to me, is the interesting thing about where you find them. That she's like, 'No, no, no, I don't care about you anymore. I don't care!' And he's like, 'Come on....' And whether she goes for that, or not, is the thing. They're certainly not going to walk down the aisle. So yeah, that's never going to happen.

And yet, audiences still come back, eager to watch the evolution in the unconventional Lisbeth-Mikael relationship. Possibly because it's unlike anything that we see in our own lives? Or, maybe, because it's a mirror image of what we are living in, and it's comforting to see it on the big screen.

If that's the case, we want to hang out with you some day.

The Girl In The Spider's Web stars Claire Foy as Lisbeth Salander, and puts her on a personal mission that brings her long-lost sister, Camilla (Sylvia Hoeks), back into her life. The movie streets on November 9. Head here to read the previous stories from our set visit. And stay tuned for even more from the cast and crew of Spider's Web.

The Girl in the Spider's Web: A Lisbeth Salander Novel - Millennium Series, Book 4 Audiobook by David Lagercrantz is a political thriller in which the protagonists of the earlier books Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist return.
Girl in the Spider's Web: Fede Alvarez on Rebooting the
We chat with 'The Girl in the Spider's Web' director Fede Alvarez about reinventing the hit franchise, why he loves Lisbeth Salander, working with Claire Foy, and more.
The Girl in the Spider's Web Archives - Claire Foy Fan

The Big Differences The Girl In The Spider's Web Makes To

Directed by Fede Alvarez. With Claire Foy, Beau Gadsdon, Sverrir Gudnason, LaKeith Stanfield. Young computer hacker Lisbeth Salander and journalist Mikael Blomkvist find themselves caught in a web of spies, cybercriminals and corrupt government officials.
Book Vs. Film Vs. Film: The Girls With The Dragon Tattoos

Claire Foy talked, recently, to Collider about Lisbeth Salander, The Girl in the Spider's Web and how her character fits the #MeToo era. Check it out below: Lisbeth Salander is one of those instantly iconic literary characters that taps into something primal and universal in audiences.
The Girl in the Spider's Web: Sacrificing good storytelling

Another big difference between the book and the two films is how Blomkvist finally gets enough evidence to nail Wennerstrom. In the end, it is Lisbeth who provides this information in all three versions of the story. However, there is an additional detail omitted from the Swedish film.

The Girl In The Spider's Web stars Claire Foy as Lisbeth Salander, and puts her on a personal mission that brings her long-lost sister, Camilla (Sylvia Hoeks), back into her life. The movie
The Girl in the Spider's Web: A New Dragon Tattoo Story

Now the studio's big hopes to revive the entire Girl world — Spider's Web has a $43 million budget, down from Tattoo's $90 million — rest on Foy's impeccably postured back.
The Girl in the Spider's Web (2018) - IMDb

The Big Differences The Girl In The Spider's Web Makes To Lisbeth And Mikael's Relationship The complicated relationship between journalist Mikael Blomkvist and vengeful force of nature Lisbeth
The Girl in the Spider's Web Audiobook [Free Download by Trial]

The Girl in the Spider's Web was filmed at the historic Studio Babelsberg, outside Berlin, and Screen Rant paid a visit to the set earlier this year to get a look behind the scenes of the movie. During our visit, we spoke to Alvarez about the challenges of adapting Lagercrantz's book into a movie, and the similarities between Lisbeth and Batman.
Claire Foy on 'Girl in the Spider's Web,' Politics and 'The

THE GIRL IN THE SPIDER'S WEB spins a tale so predictable that it traps itself and suffocates, and this is a shame since its predecessor was a masterfully made film. Being marketed as a new story in the Millennium film series, it is set three years after THE GIRL WITH A DRAGON TATTOO and follows Lisbeth on a conspiratorial labyrinth as she
The Girl in the Spider's Web: Fede Alvarez Interview | ScreenRant

There Are Lots Of Different Reasons Captain Marvel Is Set In The Past

There Are Lots Of Different Reasons Captain Marvel Is Set In The Past

One of the more interesting things about Captain Marvel is its place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While the MCU has told a mostly chronological story since the debut of Iron Man, the next film in the franchise will drop back in time a couple of decades to the 1990s. It turns out, there actually a lot of different reasons why this decision makes sense. First and foremost, it takes the MCU back to a point when it's not full of heroes, which will give Brie Larson's Captain Marvel the space to shine on her own. According to producer Jonathan Schwartz...

It's giving Carol a place in the cinematic universe that she can carve out for her own, where she wasn't one superheroine out of many.

The Marvel Universe has expanded quite a bit on film in 10 years, and there're now more heroes and villains than we know what to do with. There's more than one reason to not make Captain Marvel just another face in the crowd as Jonathan Schwartz tells Entertainment Weekly Marvel wanted to do. Being the first female hero to headline her own Marvel movie, it's nice to be able to give her some space to see what she can do. In addition, the story of the MCU is putting a lot of weight on her to come in and save the day in Avengers 4, which makes her important, another reason to give her separation from the rest.

Of course, that's not the only reason that we've been given as to why setting the movie in the 1990s is important. Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige had previously stated an interest in looking at the MCU at a point when nobody, not even Nick Fury, knew that superpowered individuals existed.

We wanted to explore a period before Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury had any idea about any of the other heroes and crazy stuff going on in the world. You know, we first met Nick when he told Tony, 'You're part of a big universe. You just don't know yet.' Well, we want to go back to a time when he didn't know it yet, and really showcase and announce that Carol Danvers was that first hero that Nick came across.

Kevin Feige also gave yet another reason for setting the film in the 1990s. It seems that, in addition to taking place there, Captain Marvel will also be something of a throwback when it comes to the film's action. Marvel seemingly wanted to do something a little different when it came to the storytelling, and by making a movie in the 90s, the studio had an excuse to make a 90s action movie. According to Feige...

The answer is, you'll see in the storytelling of the movie. But it allows us to play in an area that we have never played in before and tapping into a '90s action genre was fun for us and being able to see an earlier part of the MCU before Nick Fury knew anything about aliens or anything about super-powered people and also tapping into the Kree-Skrull War, which in the comics was a huge part of the comic mythology, seemed like a fun thing to try and a fun way to give Carol Danvers her own standalone origin story.

While setting Captain Marvel so early in the MCU timeline seemed like an odd choice at the beginning, it's clear that Marvel has really thought this through and had many reasons for doing so. We'll see them all plan out when Captain Marvel hits theaters next year.

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The Rock Shares Spoof Of First Hobbs And Shaw Trailer

The Rock Shares Spoof Of First Hobbs And Shaw Trailer

The Rock built a half of fame career in professional wrestling, in part due to his gift of gab and how he hilariously made fun of his opponents to the delight of audiences. So he is a guy who appreciates a good roasting, so much so that The Rock even shared a spoof of the wild Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw trailer that dropped recently. Take a look:

While all of us have been equally thrilled and flabbergasted that Hobbs & Shaw has introduced superpowers to the Fast & Furious universe, in his roast, @JamesJeffersonJ highlights some of the other absurdities to be found in the films first trailer and it is hilarious. He brings up the spot-on point that everyone in these movies drives with a level of wreckless confidence that no one paying for car insurance ever would.

The bit about Idris Elba not learning the King Kong lesson, and his superpowers not overcoming the point where he can jump out of window is amazing-- and the perfect blend of humor that is just a little bit uncomfortable. He also mentions The Rock jumping out of the window to catch him, but he does miss the obvious opportunity to insert a Skyscraper joke in there.

In his Instagram post of the video, The Rock praises James roast, but does take umbrage with the part about Hobbs getting hit by Idris Elbas superhuman Brixton. Which in James defense is a fair point. If Brixton has the power to launch a ~265lb. Dwayne Johnson 10 feet smashing into a car with one punch, Hobbs is probably going to be down for the count, or at least have some internal bleeding.

The Rock disagrees with this assertion, and perhaps with James understanding of human anatomy, threatening him with fallopian assault if he continues to cast aspersions on The Rocks ability to take punishment. That said, The Rock should really get James Andre Jefferson Jr. to do a full commentary track on the Blu-ray release of Hobbs and Shaw. Something tells me there will be plenty more to poke fun at.

Its good that The Rock can laugh and have fun with this, because the trailer for Hobbs and Shaw is ripe for roasting. Even by Fast and Furious standards, a franchise that has been somewhat ridiculous since the beginning and has broken the laws of physics for quite some time, the trailer for Hobbs and Shaw still managed to be completely bonkers and delightfully absurd.

Hobbs and Shaw is damn near a satire of this franchise and blockbuster action movies in general, and the fact that it embraces that makes it look all the more amazing and hugely entertaining.

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw drifts into theaters on August 2. For all of the biggest movies heading to theaters this year, check out our 2019 Release Schedule.

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???????????????? Luv my guy @jamesjeffersonj’s roasts. He’s a great follow! I’m gonna beat that ass with HIS Fallopian tubes if he keeps talkin’ shit ???????????? #Repost ??? The #HobbsandShaw movie looks dope! All type of crazy sh*t going on...?????? @therock @idriselba @jasonstatham @hobbsandshaw

A post shared by therock (@therock) on

The Rock built a half of fame career in professional wrestling, in part due to his gift of gab and how he hilariously made fun of his opponents to the delight of audiences. So he is a guy who appreciates a good roasting, so much so that The Rock even shared a spoof of the wild Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw trailer that dropped recently
The Rock Shares Spoof Of First Hobbs And Shaw Trailer - 247

The Rock Shares Spoof Of First Hobbs And Shaw Trailer Movies February 5, 2019 No Comments The Rock built a half of fame career in professional wrestling, in part due to his gift of gab and how he hilariously made fun of his opponents to the delight of audiences.
The Rock Shares Spoof Of First Hobbs And Shaw Trailer

That stated, The Rock ought to actually get James Andre Jefferson Jr. to do a full commentary monitor on the Blu-ray launch of Hobbs and Shaw. One thing tells me there might be lots extra to poke enjoyable at. It's good that The Rock can snort and have enjoyable with this, as a result of the trailer for Hobbs and Shaw is ripe for roasting.
The Rock Shares Spoof Of First Hobbs And Shaw Trailer

Home Entertainment TV & Movies The Rock Shares Spoof Of First Hobbs And Shaw Trailer. The Rock Shares Spoof Of First Hobbs And Shaw Trailer. By. Cinema Blend -
Hobbs and Shaw - CINEMABLEND

The Rock Shares Spoof Of First Hobbs And Shaw Trailer

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson put Thursday morning to good use by sharing another trailer for his and Jason Statham's upcoming Fast & Furious spinoff. The second international trailer for Hobbs & Shaw

The Rock Shares Spoof Of First Hobbs And Shaw Trailer 4 months ago The Rock built a half of fame career in professional wrestling, in part due to his gift of gab and how he hilariously made fun of his opponents to the delight of audiences.
The Rock Shares Spoof Of First Hobbs And Shaw Trailer - Movie

The first trailer for the Fast & Furious spin-off Hobbs & Shaw is here! Starring Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Jason Statham, Idris Elba, Vanessa Kirby, Roman Reigns, Helen Mirren and Eiza Gonzalez
Hobbs & Shaw (Official Trailer) - YouTube

Hobbs & Shaw blasts open a new door in the Fast universe as it hurtles action across the globe, from Los Angeles to London and from the toxic wasteland of Chernobyl to the lush beauty of Samoa.
The Rock Shares Another 'Hobbs & Shaw' Trailer | Complex

The trailer for Hobbs and Shaw is ripe for roasting and even The Rock had a chuckle at a video spoofing his new movie. Subscribe To The Rock Shares Spoof Of First Hobbs And Shaw Trailer Updates close
The Rock Shares Spoof Of First Hobbs And Shaw Trailer

The trailer for Hobbs and Shaw is ripe for roasting and even The Rock had a chuckle at a video spoofing his new movie. Nick Evans Feb 04, 2019 The Rock Shares Spoof Of First Hobbs And Shaw Trailer.
Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw - Official Trailer 1 (2019

Even The Avengers: Infinity War Stars Are Wondering Where Ant-Man Is

Even The Avengers: Infinity War Stars Are Wondering Where Ant-Man Is

Warning: SPOILERS for Avengers: Infinity War are ahead! If you don't want to know about any story details from Marvel's latest blockbuster, turn back now and come back once you're ready.

Avengers: Infinity War brought most of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's heroes together to fight Thanos and his forces, but there were two notable absentees from the blockbusters: Hawkeye and Ant-Man. Neither of the heroes where featured in the Infinity War marketing, and while a passing reference was thrown in about the two, we never learned what they were up to during the conflict. And it turns out that it's not just we the audience who are curious about their whereabouts, particularly Ant-Man's. In a new Marvel video, several of the Infinity War actors are questioning where Scott Lang and his new crimefighting partner Hope van Dyne, a.k.a. The Wasp, were during the craziness.

There are some good guesses posited in this video, from Ant-Man and Wasp having possibly been on their way to help out in Avengers: Infinity War until they went subatomic, or maybe they were there the entire time and stayed tiny to do reconnaissance. Alas, the video ends with Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly staying mum about where their characters were, but it's ok, because this was all just pretext for revealing that a new Ant-Man and the Wasp trailer is dropping tomorrow. You shouldn't expect "Where were Ant-Man and Wasp?" to be answered during the trailer, as that would straight up spoil the movie, but at least the new preview will show us more footage depicting the shrinking superheroes' next adventure, which will somehow explain their absence from Infinity War.

When we last left off with Scott Lang in Captain America: Civil War, he'd been thrown in The Raft for siding with Steve Rogers during the Sokovia Accords conflict, but he (along with Falcon, Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye) was broken out of the prison by Steve at the end of the movie. During Avengers: Infinity War, it was mentioned that Scott made a deal with the U.S. government to be placed under house arrest rather than be returned to The Raft. It's now confirmed that Ant-Man and the Wasp is set post-Civil War and pre-Infinity War, and will see Scott trying to balance his home life and his Ant-Man duties. But that becomes more complicated when Hank Pym and Hope van Dyne recruit him for a new mission. Evangeline Lilly has said that the Quantum Realm, where Michelle Pfeiffer's Janet van Dyne is still imprisoned, will play heavily into Ant-Man and the Wasp, so perhaps this story ends with Scott and Hope being trapped in that alternate dimension, and they'll finally break free by the time Avengers 4 rolls around.

Ant-Man and the Wasp buzzes into theaters on July 6, and we here at CinemaBlend will bring you more updates about the sequel as they come in. For now, you can learn what other movies are coming out this year by heading to our 2018 release schedule.

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Letitia Wright Found Out About Shuri's Infinity War Fate Just Like The Rest Of Us. Associated Press AP April 23, 2019 3:34 pm April 23, 2019 Off 18.
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