James Bonds Naomie Harris Doesnt Think 007 And Moneypenny Have Slept Together

James Bonds Naomie Harris Doesnt Think 007 And Moneypenny Have Slept Together

When the James Bond reboot film series brought back the character of Moneypenny, formerly an agent known as Eve and played by Naomie Harris, it felt like something happened between the two after meeting in Skyfall. Yet by the time Spectre rolled around, Moneypenny was out of active service and had a boyfriend in the picture.

And if that wasnt enough information to confirm that James and Moneypenny hadnt taken the time to become closer than work associates, Harris made it perfectly clear that, in her opinion below, the two legendary operatives arent going to change history in Bond 25:

People always ask me if they slept together. I dont think they did. I think Moneypenny and Bond cant ever cross that line because theyre both so professional. Theres definitely something thats been bubbling underneath but the question is, Will it bubble over?'

The modern era of James Bond under Daniel Craig gave more than a casual suggestion that the two were about to sleep together. That shaving scene in Skyfall, with Moneypenny and James skirting the edge of their office relationship oh so carefully, certainly did a lot to hint that history would be changed yet again in the 007 franchise. And with Bond 25 currently set to see Daniel Craig return to shooting, and James in a relationship with Lea Seydouxs Dr. Madeline Swann since the end of Spectre, that taboo wont be broken in the near future.

Naomie Harris hypothesis has a lot of history on its side, as James Bond has always flirted with Moneypenny, but never consummated that flirtation. And as we see in that scene mentioned above, as well as in Harris interview with EW, the tension has always come from the two characters bantering right up to the edge of actually doing something.

In fact, it was pretty much a tradition for the original Bond franchise to see the two characters meet before Bonds mission briefing, volley some wishful thoughts of romantic splendor and then go their separate ways. Though we havent seen this as of late, considering Spectre saw Bonds big interaction with Moneypenny being over the phone, as he was investigating the antics of Blofeld and his SPECTRE associates.

As James Bond is lured back into action by Jeffrey Wrights Felix Leiter in Bond 25, we probably wont see that sort of scene in Daniel Craigs presumably final turn in the role. Which means we may have to wait for a new Bond, and possible a new Moneypenny, to see those familiar sparks fly again.

Whatever happens between 007 and Moneypenny, in Bond 25 and beyond, Naomie Harris has left her own mark on the role as shes been the first Moneypenny to be seen in the field, and the first to actually shoot James Bond. It's a level of behavior that will undoubtedly raise the bar for whomever steps into this characters position in the future.

Bond 25 is currently in production, and is scheduled to open on April 8, 2020.

Naomie Harris on James Bond, Moneypenny's romantic future. Adam: The 2019 MTV Movie Awards red carpet brought out a bevy of celebrities to honor the best and brightest of Tinseltown in Los Angeles

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James Bond's Naomie Harris Doesn't Think 007 And Moneypenny

The modern era of James Bond under Daniel Craig gave more than a casual suggestion that the two were about to sleep together. That shaving scene in Skyfall, with Moneypenny and James skirting the edge of their office relationship oh so carefully, certainly did a lot to hint that history would be changed yet again in the 007 franchise.
James Bond's Naomie Harris Doesn't Think 007 And Moneypenny

James Bond's Naomie Harris Doesn't Think 007 And Moneypenny Have Slept Together Home 2019 June 18 James Bond's Naomie Harris Doesn't Think 007 And Moneypenny Have Slept Together feel free to call us +646-389-3981 info@mmnofa.com
James Bond's Naomie Harris Doesn't Think 007 And Moneypenny

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James Bond's Naomie Harris Doesn't Think 007 And Moneypenny

James Bond. James Bond's Naomie Harris Doesn't Think 007 And Moneypenny Have Slept Together. cinemablend.com - Mike Reyes. When the James Bond reboot film series brought back the character of Moneypenny, formerly an agent known as Eve and played by Naomie Harris, it felt …
Naomie Harris weighs in on romantic future between James Bond

James Bond's Naomie Harris Doesn't Think 007 And Moneypenny

Naomie Harris weighs in on romantic future between Bond and Moneypenny. Naomie Harris weighs in on romantic future between Bond and Moneypenny. Top Navigation.
James Bond's Naomie Harris Doesn't Think 007 And Moneypenny

Naomie Harris weighs in on romantic future between James Bond and Moneypenny Will they or won't they? Ever since Naomie Harris made her debut as Eve Moneypenny in 2012's Skyfall, fans have been waiting for the tough-as-nails character to hook up romantically with Bond…James Bond, played by Daniel Craig.
James Bond's Naomie Harris Doesn't Think 007 And Moneypenny

When the James Bond reboot film series brought back the character of Moneypenny, formerly an agent known as Eve and played by Naomie Harris, it felt like something happened between the two after meeting in Skyfall. Yet by the time Spectre rolled around, Moneypenny was out of active service and had a boyfriend in the picture.
Naomie Harris weighs in on romantic future between James Bond

When the James Bond reboot film series brought back the character of Moneypenny, formerly an agent known as Eve and played by Naomie Harris, it felt like something happened between the two after meeting in Skyfall. Yet by the time Spectre rolled around, Moneypenny was out of active service and had a boyfriend in the picture.
Naomie Harris on James Bond, Moneypenny's romantic future

Captain Marvel Is Subverting The Typical Superhero Origin Story

Captain Marvel Is Subverting The Typical Superhero Origin Story

Thanks to the growth of the superhero genre, the structure of the typical origin story has become overly familiar. The first hour or so is spent establishing the protagonist pre-powers, and then something happens that changes their life forever. As they adjust to their new abilities, they face off with a dangerous foe that bests them at first -- but then the third act rolls around and the costumed vigilante finds the confidence to become the champion they've always been destined to become.

This, however, is not the tactic being taken in Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck's Captain Marvel -- which will instead begin with the eponymous heroine in a costume and demonstrating superhuman abilities. It's an exciting approach for a character that has never been adapted into live-action before, though it does come with its own special issues. It was an aspect of the film that was discussed at length early last year during a press day on the set of the movie when it was shooting in Los Angeles, the subject first coming up during an interview with Marvel Studios producer Jonathan Schwartz:

You know, one of the challenges with subverting that origin structure is you've still got to find a way to let the audience understand who that character is, and there are some creative ways over the course of this movie where we're able to get that part of Carol's story across.

Rather than beginning with Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) on Earth and operating as an ace fighter pilot, Captain Marvel will instead see the bulk of its first act take place out in the cosmos and in the midst of an intergalactic conflict known as the Kree-Skrull War. Carol is an elite warrior fighting for the Kree, operating as part of a group known as Starforce, but the catch is that she doesn't remember anything about her life as a human, and believes that she is entirely Kree.

As a result, Carol finds herself mighty confused when she crashes down to Earth after escaping Skrull captivity and begins to register some familiarity with the world. Paired with a young and ambitious Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), who is trying to make a name for himself at S.H.I.E.L.D., she sets off on a journey to find out the truth about her past -- which ties back to Jonathan Schwartz's comments about understanding the character. The key with Captain Marvel is that the audience and hero are learning the full story at the same time.

The producer wouldn't fully comment on Captain Marvel operating as a linear story -- offering instead a wishy-washy "it is and it isn't" and the promise of "a few cool surprises" -- but was stressed in the conversation was Carol Danvers' relationship with her own history in the movie. At the start she will have a very clear idea of who she is and what she stands for, but what the narrative ultimately sets out to do is show her that what she thinks she knows is basically all surface level. Said Schwartz,

A lot of the movie is about Carol not remembering her human past. When we meet her at the beginning of the movie, she believes that she is a Kree, and kind of has been inducted into their army, she's proud as a person, she loves being a Kree. And then over the course of her adventure, realized there's more to her story than that. So the movie kind of becomes her unravelling the root of her own origin, the root of her own mystery.

This kind of journey of self-discovery is really a staple of the superhero origin story, but the way that Captain Marvel is going about it certainly stands out from what we've previously seen from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Through their stories, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Thor, Steve Rogers, and the Guardians of the Galaxy all found themselves expanding their worlds to access new sides of their personalities, but the story of Carol Danvers will basically be the reverse of that, being much more internally retrospective in its character work and rediscovering more than discovering.

What further adds to the palette is the fact that Carol Danvers learning about her human past doesn't just eliminate the life she has lived as a member of the Kree. It's just the opposite, as it sticks around as an important part of who she is as an individual. The halves of her have to harmonize and she has to make peace with being someone who comes from two different worlds. This was an element of Captain Marvel that co-director Anna Boden went into on set, explaining,

For [Ryan Fleck and me], I think what we love telling about this story is that as a character, as a superhero, as she becomes more and more in touch with her own humanity... Thor was a god and was always a god, but it's as she comes more and more in touch with her humanity that she becomes her most powerful.

And when you consider that Captain Marvel has been touted as one of the most powerful beings in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, you realize that coalescence is pretty damn significant. It starts with strength, flight, and photon blasts, but things very much escalate from there, and we'll just have to wait and see just what this incarnation of the beloved character can do when she is operating at full capacity.

This is a big screen journey that Marvel fans have been anticipating for years now, and the wait is almost over. Captain Marvel, which stars Ben Mendelsohn, Djimon Hounsou, Lee Pace, Lashana Lynch, Gemma Chan, Annette Bening, Clark Gregg, and Jude Law in addition to Brie Larson and Samuel L. Jackson, is just a few months from release, set to arrive in a theater near you on March 8th. Given that it's unquestionably one of the 2019 features we're most excited for, you can be sure that there will be plenty more coverage coming your way here on CinemaBlend -- including more from my set visit and peek behind the scenes!

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It's Not Just Diversity That Put Black Panther Ahead Of The Competition, According To Winston Duke

It's Not Just Diversity That Put Black Panther Ahead Of The Competition, According To Winston Duke

When Black Panther was released earlier this year, it was at the forefront of conversation for a number of reasons such as box office records, black representation and its powerful cultural message. One of the film's breakout stars is Winston Duke, who played Jabari leader M'Baku. And Duke thinks there's something else really special about the superhero film, deeper than its diversity. In his words:

That's what's powerful about these stories. This movie didn't say we were a monolith. The structure has always been, you're all the same. You have a leading man frame, but there's only room for one. That's usually how it's felt in the past. So it can't be Michael B. Jordan and Chadwick Boseman and Winston Duke and Daniel Kaluuya. But we were all in one movie, and the movie did a beautiful job of highlighting our differences. I think it's showing us that there's room for all of us. I think it will and should impact the way Hollywood views the creation of their lead characters.

In a lesser movie, Black Panther would be the lone dynamic actor in the film, but writer/director Ryan Coogler's film had T'Challa introduced among his Wakandan people, with a rich culture and immense technological advancement found within them. Black Panther allowed a long list of black actors to shine with each of their characters, instead of perpetuating a culture where only room for one or two actors of color were featured.

Per Winston Duke's comments to Entertainment Weekly at Savannah Film Fesival, Black Panther's inclusion of a vast black cast, each with a personality specific to them and talent to give to the film, displayed a unique equality to the actors on film that actors of color such as Duke hadn't witnessed before.

For playing Black Panther's M'Baku, Winston Duke actually made his feature film debut. Winston Duke previously starring in television as a recurring character of Domino in Person of Interest along with appearances in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, The Messengers and Modern Family. The actor was a drama student at Yale with co-star Lupita Nyong'o back when The Avengers came out in 2012, unaware the two would star in a Marvel film together some years later. Soon Duke will be starring in Jordan Peele's upcoming film Us with Nyong'o, following the director's incredible success with his first directorial project Get Out.

While M'Baku was originally written in 1969 as an offensive character known as "Man Ape," the writers of Black Panther took the opportunity to tell a story of M'Baku as the head of a religious minority instead. Winston Duke's role in the film was a scene stealer as the character went from an antagonist to T'Challa to an ally and friend. The character returned for the Battle for Wakanda in Avengers: Infinity War and was one of the lucky half of humanity to survive Thano's snap. With Black Panther 2 is in the works, you check out everything we know so far about the upcoming sequel.

It's certainly not the easiest thing in the world to work It's Not Just Diversity That Put Black Panther Ahead Of The Competition, According To Winston Duke.
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It's Not Just Diversity That Put Black Panther Ahead Of The Competition, According To Winston Duke Movies October 30, 2018 No Comments When Black Panther was released earlier this year, it was at the forefront of conversation for a number of reasons such as box office records, black representation and its powerful cultural message.
It's Not Just Diversity That Put Black Panther Ahead Of The
One of the film's breakout stars is Winston Duke, who played Jabari leader M'Baku. And Duke thinks there's something else […] It's Not Just Diversity That Put Black Panther Ahead Of The Competition, According To Winston Duke - Celeb Vida
It's Not Just Diversity That Put Black Panther Ahead Of The
It's Not Just Diversity That Put Black Panther Ahead Of The Competition, According To Winston Duke. Nov 01, 2018 Admin Movies 0. 10 hours ago.
It's Not Just Diversity That Put Black Panther Ahead Of The

It's Not Just Diversity That Put Black Panther Ahead Of The

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It's Not Just Diversity That Put Black Panther Ahead Of The

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It's Not Just Diversity That Put Black Panther Ahead Of The Competition, According To Winston Duke. Judith A. Reply Cancel reply.
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When Black Panther was released earlier this year, it was at the forefront of conversation for a number of reasons such as box office records, black representation and its powerful cultural message. One of the film's breakout stars is Winston Duke, who played Jabari leader M'Baku .
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It's Not Just Diversity That Put Black Panther Ahead Of The Competition, According To Winston Duke Associated Press AP October 30, 2018 8:25 pm October 30, 2018 Off 96 Share This Post
It's Not Just Diversity That Put Black Panther Ahead Of The

It's Not Just Diversity That Put Black Panther Ahead Of The Competition, According To Winston Duke . October 30, 2018 0. Kristen Bell and Ted Danson Pictures .