Liam Neeson Really Wrestled With The Amount Of Plow Violence To Put In Cold Pursuit

Liam Neeson Really Wrestled With The Amount Of Plow Violence To Put In Cold Pursuit

If there's one guy that's known for being an onscreen badass, it's Liam Neeson. The 66 year-old actor is synonymous with movies where he kicks ass and takes names, including high profile projects like Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Batman Begins, and the Taken franchise. The beloved actor is at it again with Hans Petter Moland's Cold Pursuit, playing a snowplow driver with a penchant for revenge.

I recently had the privilege to speak with Liam Neeson about Cold Pursuit, and his character Nels Coxman. I asked if he wanted more time behind the wheel of Nels' massive snowplow to kill his enemies, but Neeson actually had the opposite feeling. As he told me,

I was happy with it being used in that specific way. Because a poster doesnt quite give you the scale of this thing. Its like a monster. And the controls are delicate-- you need a feather touch to operate that thing. One could have gone overboard with this type of machine. But we wanted to savor it, just for certain period of the movie, not overdo it.

Throughout the course of Cold Pursuit, audiences get to watch Liam Neeson dispatch his enemies in a variety of grisly and sometimes hilarious manners. Rather than simply getting behind his giant rig and making the movie one long car chase, director Hans Petter Moland used that signature vehicle sparingly. And that's exactly how Liam Neeson liked it.

I also got the chance to speak with Hans Petter Moland himself about Cold Pursuit, which is actually an American adaptation of his Norwegian movie In Order of Disappearance. In our conversation, he spoke to balancing the use of the snowplow, and enjoying using a variety of other tools to bring Nels' revenge to life on the silver screen. He said,

Theyre really dangerous tools, but to Liams character its quite ordinary. And to activate it at the right moment, so you dont overuse it, was kind of the idea. And also he has a lot of machines. So one is good at one thing, and one is good at something else. And allow the audience to get used to them being somewhat benign, if you will. And then suddenly activate them as the dangerous tools they are.

Cold Pursuit is clocking in at 118 minutes, so Hans Petter Moland clearly wanted to make sure it wasn't a repetitive experience. Furthermore, the movie shows how everyday tools can become weapons, especially in the hands of someone with nothing to lose.

You can check out my conversation with Liam Neeson and Hans Petter Moland below.

Clearly Liam Neeson and Hans Petter Moland have thought this process out, and are eager for moviegoers to finally get the chance to watch the snowy destruction for themselves.

Cold Pursuit arrives in theaters on February 8th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your trips to the movies in the New Year.

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What Original Mary Poppins Song Does The New Cast Wish They Could Sing?

What Original Mary Poppins Song Does The New Cast Wish They Could Sing?

If there's one thing Disney feature films are known for, it's a rocking soundtrack. Animated classics and live-action movies have included beloved iconic songs, which are passed down across the generations. This includes 1964's Mary Poppins, which has beloved musical numbers like "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", "Let's Go Fly A Kite" and "A Spoonful of Sugar."

Mary is returning to Cherry Tree Lane in Rob Marshall's Mary Poppins Returns, which will be a direct sequel to the beloved original movie. Hairspray composer Marc Shaiman is writing new music for the sequel, and I recently had the chance to speak with the cast about the upcoming movie, including the music. I asked the Banks family and Mary herself which song from the original they'd like to sing, and their answers didn't disappoint. Check it out below.

There's some solid choices here, with the cast's answers no doubt exciting the hardcore fans of the original Mary Poppins. Like Hamilton and Greatest Showman have release cover albums, perhaps the new Mary Poppins actors will one day get a chance to sing covers from the first movie. Fingers crossed.

During my conversations with the cast of Mary Poppins Returns, I opened by asking each of them which song from the original would be their choice. Without a doubt, the most popular answer was the ballad "Feed the Birds (Tuppence a Bag)". The haunting melody takes place at the start of Mary Poppins' third act, and teaches Jane and Michael Banks about charity and the power of money.

Both Emily Blunt and Ben Whishaw chose "Feed the Birds" as their favorite song, and one they would love to have reprised in Mary Poppins Returns. Luckily, both of those actors get their own ballads in Mary Poppins Returns. Michael's song "A Conversation" is one of the first songs from the movie, and sets up the grief that he and his children are feeling in the wake of his wife's death.

Meanwhile, Emily Blunt gets to sing a ballad of her own with "The Place Where The Lost Things Go." Once again focused on the subject of loss, Mary comforts the Banks children, and reminds them that their mother is still all around them, despite her passing. So while they didn't get to sing "Feed The Birds" both Ben and Emily will have their own opportunities to make the audience cry.

Emily Mortimer and Hamilton writer/singer Lin-Manuel Miranda have their own choices for which song from Mary Poppins they'd like to do. Mortimer chose the "Sister Suffragette", the track sung by Mrs. Banks actress Glynis Johns in the original film. A Mary Poppins underrated bop, the song found Mrs. Banks belting out lyrics about the fight for the right to vote in England. Jane ends up in a similar vocation in Mary Poppins Returns, making her choice all the more exciting.

Meanwhile, Lin-Manuel Miranda seems the most attached to Dick Van Dyke's songs from the original. He mentioned both "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" and "Jolly Holiday" as being the tracks he's enjoyed from the comfort of his home. His character Jack actually fills a similar role to the one filled by Van Dyke's Bert, accompanying Mary in her adventures and even dancing with penguins in the process.

Mary Poppins Returns will arrive in theaters, complete with new songs, on December 19th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your trips to the movies in the New Year.

The new movie will feature Emily Blunt, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Emily Mortimer and Ben Whishaw. Ahead of 'Mary Poppins Returns,' Where Are the Original Cast Members of the 1964 Film? | Inside Edition
Mary Poppins [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - AllMusic

It features most of the major musical numbers from the show's score. When the Broadway production opened, a recording was released featuring several songs with the original American cast, including an edited version of "Feed the Birds" for Ashley Brown (Mary Poppins in the original American cast) on the song.
Mary Poppins Returns - Wikipedia

During my conversations with the cast of Mary Poppins Returns, I opened by asking each of them which song from the original would be their choice.Without a doubt, the most popular answer was the
What Original Mary Poppins Song Does The New Cast Wish They

What Original Mary Poppins Song Does The New Cast Wish They

Hairspray composer Marc Shaiman is writing new music for the sequel, and I recently had the chance to speak with the cast about the upcoming movie, including the music. I asked the Banks family and Mary herself which song from the original they'd like to sing, and their answers didn't disappoint. Check it out below.
Ahead of 'Mary Poppins Returns,' Where Are the Original Cast

The website's critical consensus reads, "Mary Poppins Returns relies on the magic of its classic forebear to cast a familiar - but still solidly effective - family-friendly spell." [52] On Metacritic , the film has a weighted average score of 66 out of 100, based on 54 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews". [53]
Mary Poppins (1964) - Trivia - IMDb

Category Music; Suggested by UMG Beauty and the Beast (From "Beauty and the Beast"/Official Video) Song The Perfect Nanny (From "Mary Poppins"/Soundtrack Version)
We ranked the songs in 'Mary Poppins' for its 50th

"Step in Time" is a quintessential part of Mary Poppins, but it's better as a number than purely as a song. The sequence is made by its choreography. The sequence is made by its choreography.

Mary is returning to Cherry Tree Lane in Rob Marshall's Mary Poppins Returns, which will be a direct sequel to the beloved original movie.Hairspray composer Marc Shaiman is writing new music for the sequel, and I recently had the chance to speak with the cast about the upcoming movie, including the music.
What Original Mary Poppins Song Does The New Cast Wish They

Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Mary Poppins [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] - Disney on AllMusic - 1963 - Prior to their 14-song score for Mary Poppins,…
Mary Poppins (musical) - Wikipedia

"Feed the Birds" from the film Mary Poppins was Walt Disney's all-time favorite song. A number of times at the end of the workday on a Friday, at around 5:30 or so, Walt Disney would pick up the phone and call the song's composer, Robert B. Sherman and ask him to drop by his office.
The Perfect Nanny - Mary Poppins (Michael & Jane) - YouTube

Was Death Ever A Character In Avengers: Infinity War? The Russos Explain

Was Death Ever A Character In Avengers: Infinity War? The Russos Explain

There are many elements of Avengers: Infinity War that are taken straight from the pages of Marvel Comics, but one big change made by the film is in regards to Thanos' motivation. While the movie has him wanting to kill half of living entities in hopes of balancing the universe, the source material has him trying to win the love of Mistress Death (a physical manifestation). Fans speculated for years about this obsessive love being a part of the movie, but recently directors Joe and Anthony Russo explained to me why she was never really involved. Said Joe Russo,

It's our job to make these characters work in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Death is not a preexisting character. We have two-and-a-half hours with 23 heroes; there's no room to come in and introduce some character that the audience has no emotional connection to in a finale, in a movie that spans 10 years. But then we have all this other storytelling to deal with.

Prior to the release of Avengers: Infinity War, I had the chance to sit down with the Russos at the Los Angeles press day for the Marvel Studios film, and it was during our conversation that I inquired about Mistress Death (a.k.a. simply Death). Confirming that she wasn't in the blockbuster, Joe Russo first explained that there simply wasn't the room necessary in the film to include a brand new character who is that significant. Instead, the focus was kept primarily on the heroes and villains we know, and that allowed them to better navigate the story.

It's worth mentioning that the film does include a few new characters, including the four members of the Black Order -- but it's true that it also doesn't spend a ton of time explaining who they are (something that would be necessary for the introduction of Death, given her aforementioned role in Thanos' motivations). Instead, as suggested, Avengers: Infinity War builds on pre-existing real estate to provide deeper emotional connections for the Mad Titan as a character, and puts much more focus on the Children of Thanos we already know because of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Following up what his brother had to say, Anthony Russo told me,

He has a depth of experience with Gamora and Nebula, We run at the character relationships, especially the pre-existing character relationships when you're at the end of the book. You don't introduce new characters; you pay off the relationships that you've been building on through the course of the narrative. So yeah, that's basically what we ran at with Thanos.

To provide a bit more background, in the comics Thanos is in love with Death, and because living souls have grown to outnumber the dead, it is actually her desire to see half of life in the universe killed. Regularly shunned by Death, who isn't even willing to speak to him, Thanos realizes he can help her complete her goal by collecting all of the Infinity Stones in the Infinity Gauntlet. In a twist of irony, however, doing so and becoming a god leads Death to see Thanos as her superior, and she is left still unwilling to speak to him (which leads the Mad Titan down a path of petulance and toxic masculinity). With so much else going on in Avengers: Infinity War, this would have been a sincere challenge to directly adapt, and the version on screen is not only a well-streamlined take on the narrative, but arguably a more effective one.

Joe Russo returned to the subject of emotional connection to the characters later in the interview, and used it to make an interesting point about a defined pattern in their Marvel movies. As he explained, all of their antagonists have strong connections to the heroes, because that's what makes the material rich:

It's interesting because as Anthony was saying, I think the most important part of the relationships that feed [Thanos] as a villain are the personal ones - the ones that the audience has seen for the last 10 years. So, you know, Winter Soldier, we felt when we first read that script, when we were talking to Marvel about doing the movie, we said, 'You have the most amazing villain relationship here because it's the hero's best friend, unbeknownst to him, and there's so much emotional baggage there.' We always try to go towards emotional baggage. That's why Zemo has a connection to the Avengers in Civil War. He feels that they are responsible for the death of his family. It creates a personal relationship. It's not some random power grab or just a maniacal villain.

After years of waiting, fans can now experience Avengers: Infinity War for themselves, as it is in theaters just about everywhere (and establishing itself as one of the biggest blockbusters of all time). Stay tuned here on CinemaBlend for a whole lot more of our Marvel coverage, and take a look at our 2018 release schedule to see what's ahead!

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