The Live-Action Aladdin Describes Biggest Difference From The Original

The Live-Action Aladdin Describes Biggest Difference From The Original

It's full steam ahead for Disney and its live-action remakes. One of the biggest criticisms about these films is that they don't do enough to separate themselves from the originals. So, how will Disney's next big remake, Aladdin, be different from the 1992 animated film of the same name? Here's what lead actor Mena Massoud thinks makes the new Aladdin stand out from its predecessor.

The biggest difference is that you're going to be watching real humans go through this journey onscreen. When I was a kid, I started acting by doing voices, and I've done animation before, and I understand the animation world, and there's only so much of yourself that you can lend to something like that; the voice actors in the original are incredible because they help tell us an amazing story, but I think with real humans, getting to look into people's eyes and see what they're feeling and go through their journey with them, I think is the biggest difference. We're really grounding this in realism now.

Because that's exactly what you want from a movie about a boy from a fictional city who finds a wish-granting genie and fights a wizard: realism.

All kidding aside, Mena Massoud, who will step into the shoes of Aladdin (did Aladdin wear shoes?), told Entertainment Weekly that the most significant difference with the live-action film is that by using real people, it allows viewers to connect more with the characters. Essentially, you can connect to the story more because you're seeing emotions and struggle through human actors.

For what it's worth, Aladdin has already gotten some controversy about sticking too closely to the original. Terry Rossio, who co-wrote the 1992 Aladdin, expressed dissatisfaction that the 2019 Aladdin teaser used the same lines of dialogue that he wrote for the animated film, and he received no compensation.

I think that Mena Massoud makes a point that it's easier for some people to connect to a film when it's human actors showing emotion and not characters drawn to do so by animators. But it doesn't really address the criticism that these remakes are the same as the animated films.

For example, last year's Beauty and The Beast had the same plot beat-for-beat with some scenes unchanged. If you saw the animated classic, then you have pretty much seen the live-action one. Then again, considering the money the new Beauty made, that may be exactly why Disney seems content to continue on that path.

Disney is banking hard on nostalgia for these remakes, and while it's tough to change up moves that are regarded as classics, it's a challenge that it will have to continue to face as it adds more remakes to its release slate. However, with Will Smith as Genie, some things are bound to be different from the original version of Aladdin.

Aladdin releases in theaters on May 24, 2019. For more movies hitting theaters next year, check out our 2019 movie release guide.

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Will Beerfest 2 Ever Happen? Heres What Broken Lizard Said

Will Beerfest 2 Ever Happen? Heres What Broken Lizard Said

Broken Lizard has produced several cult classic films over the years, but few have generated the level of enthusiasm enjoyed by Beerfest. The booze-themed bro comedy has become a fan-favorite in the years since its 2006 debut, leading many fans to clamor for a sequel. That raises one very specific question: is Beerfest 2 happening? Well, as it turns out, Broken Lizard addressed this question at a recent screening of Super Troopers 2 in Los Angeles during a Q&A session after the movie. In response to the query, director Jay Chandrasekhar said:

We have a story for it. So yeah.

That's short, sweet, and to the point. Beerfest 2 has not officially been announced yet, but Jay Chandrasekhar wants us to know that they have a story in place, which is a vital step towards turning the film into a reality. As fans of the original will likely remember, the original Beerfest ended with the promise of more adventures in that universe (with the guys going off to participate in "Potfest" with Willy Nelson), so it is obvious that there's room to maneuver and craft more narratives in that world.

Of course, other members of the Broken Lizard troupe were not quite as calm in the face of that question. When asked about Beerfest 2, Rod Farva actor Kevin Heffernan hilariously exploded and jokingly scolded the audience for asking that question, saying:

Come on! We just finished this fucking thing! What do you want from us!? Jesus!

He has a point. Super Troopers 2 experienced a long and difficult journey to the silver screen, and even used a Kickstarter campaign to raise the funds to make it a reality. They're still focused on making sure that the release of Super Troopers 2 goes off without a hitch, so if Beerfest 2 is going to be announced, it likely won't be for a while.

Beerfest 2 isn't the only project in this universe worth looking out for. Specifically, there have been rumors that The CW intends to do a Beerfest digital series set in the same world, albeit without the presence of the Broken Lizard troupe. It's unclear as to when this project will move forward (if it is still even happening at all), but this definitely seems to show that there are multiple parties interested in seeing the Beerfest brand expand and continue beyond the beloved original.

CinemaBlend will bring you updates related to Beerfest 2 as more information becomes available to us. For now, make sure to watch out for Broken Lizard's latest project when Super Troopers 2 (appropriately) debuts in theaters later this month on April 20, and head over to our movie premiere guide to see what other films are set to debut in 2018!

Broken Lizard has produced several cult classic films over the years, but few have generated the level of enthusiasm enjoyed by Beerfest. The booze-themed bro comedy has become a fan-favorite in the years since its 2006 debut, leading many fans to clamor for a sequel.
Beerfest 2 Is Still Chugging Forward Confirms Broken Lizard

Could Beerfest 2 still happen? According to the Broken Lizard gang, it's very much a possibility. Broken Lizard is the group responsible for movies like Beerfest and Super Troopers and they're
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"I happen to think Beerfest is the best movie we ever made," Lemme told Inverse. We spoke to Lemme the day before Broken Lizard began production on Super Troopers 2 , a follow-up to its other
Beerfest 2 Is Still Chugging Forward Confirms Broken Lizard

Broken Lizard has produced several cult classic films over the years, but few have generated the level of enthusiasm enjoyed by Beerfest.The booze-themed bro comedy has become a fan-favorite in the years since its 2006 debut, leading many fans to clamor for a sequel.
What's Happening With Potfest, According To Broken Lizard

Will Beerfest 2 Ever Happen? Here's What Broken Lizard Said

Broken Lizard is about to get into the sequel game with Super Troopers 2 when the film debuts on April 20, but there's another sequel that their fans have waited to see as well: Potfest.
Frog Semen and Donald Sutherland: 'Beerfest' 10 Years Later

Could Beerfest 2 still happen? According to the Broken Lizard gang, it's very much a possibility. Broken Lizard is the group responsible for movies like Beerfest and Super Troopers and they're currently promoting the upcoming release of Super Troopers 2, which has been in the works for a long time but, after several delays, it's […]
Broken Lizard

The Broken Lizard guys recently p[rovided an update. Wondering what's happening with that long-awaited Beerfest sequel? Subscribe To Will Beerfest 2 Ever Happen?
Will Beerfest 2 Ever Happen? Here's What Broken Lizard Said

Beerfest is a 2006 American comedy film by the comedy group Broken Lizard. Along with the regular members of Broken Lizard, other actors who appear in the film include Will Forte , M. C. Gainey , Cloris Leachman , Jürgen Prochnow , Donald Sutherland , and Willie Nelson .

Those who follow the Broken Lizard comedy team have been awaiting word that Super Troopers 2, the sequel to their classic 2001 indie comedy, is officially happening for a long, long time. And will
Will Beerfest 2 Ever Happen - Screaming Toilet

broken lizard films Broken Lizard is a five-man comedy, film-making group, devoted to intense sunshine, Floridian deep tissue massage, and the advanced study of keeping it realism. During our travels, we made SUPER TROOPERS, BEERFEST, CLUB DREAD, THE SLAMMIN' SALMON and PUDDLE CRUISER.
Beerfest - Wikipedia

What Surprised Jude Law and Gemma Chan The Most About The Captain Marvel Set

What Surprised Jude Law and Gemma Chan The Most About The Captain Marvel Set

The MCU family continues to expand with each new release, perhaps until each and every actor in Hollywood has a Marvel Comics inspired role. Captain Marvel brings in some red-hot names on the planet of Hala, we will meet a handful of Kree officers including Jude Laws Yon-Rogg and Gemma Chans Minn-Erva. The two actors had some of the buzziest adapted roles in 2018, as Law took on playing a younger Dumbledore in Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald and Chan played Astrid in summer hit Crazy Rich Asians.

I got the chance to speak to Jude Law and Gemma Chan together, during recent press in Los Angeles for Captain Marvel, and asked them if there was something unique about starring in a Marvel film for the first time that took them by surprise. They both chipped in agreement with these words:

Gemma: Secrecy. Ive never had to wear a cloak before to get from the trailer to catering, thats very cloak and dagger.Jude: Yeah, cloaks all over, cloaks wherever you go and youre just aware that youre entering into something that has huge amounts of curiosity surrounding it and prying eyes, spies and hunger for any kind of information, so you have to be on your guard.

Cloaks, huh? If only Jude Law could steal away Harry Potters Cloak of Invisibility. Too bad, wrong timeline! Jude Law had to be especially covert, as the identity of his character was kept under wraps until just recently. Wed been speculating between the actor portraying Mar-Vell and Yon-Rogg for months and after hopping off set, Law had to dodge questions left and right about his Captain Marvel role.

Few movies have the combination of being high-profile and extremely secretive as Marvel films are except maybe Star Wars. Check out the actors talk about their experience on set of Captain Marvel from our interview, below:

Being in the MCU sounds a bit stressful. The two actors sound like they are describing their lives as spies, though its all about going the extra mile to give audiences a good experience at the movies when Captain Marvel comes out. Even though much of the time Marvel fans are hungry for any sliver of info about coming releases, many of us can say we do appreciate the actors remaining a little concealed on set and tight-lipped in service of their characters.

In Captain Marvel, the pair are members of a Kree military unit called Starforce that Carol Danvers is also a part of when we first meet the character. Jude Laws character has been teased to be a mentor to Danvers, while Minn-Erva looks like a bad-ass soldier fighting at their side. You can see for yourself when Captain Marvel hits theaters on March 8.

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